What to Consider When Leaving an Abusive Relationship!

You can also connect with support groups or counseling services to help you cope with the emotional impact of leaving an abusive situation. Number four document evidence of the abuse. Collect any evidence of abuse, such as photos, text and emails. Keep them in a safe place. This may be helpful if you decide to pursue legal action or have to obtain a restraining order, which leads to number five consider obtaining that restraining order

#brokentoboldness #gaslighting #domesticabuse #domesticviolence #redflags

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:23
Hey, just wanted to say thank you for this post and for all your posts, really, because it's information that you never know when you might need it or when somebody might stumble upon it and realize and feel supported, even if only over the Internet. Feel empowered. So this is just really awesome content. And thank you so much
Debbie Griffiths
@Brkntobldness · 0:49


You. Thank you so much for your very kind response. That's really my ultimate goal is to try to make a difference, try to raise awareness, because, like you said, you never know when someone may need to see these words. And maybe I think the benefit with swell, they can actually hear somebody say these words as well and hopefully be comforted by a voice. So, again, thank you. I really appreciate the support. My goal is to keep educating