Bowie Rowan
@bowieΒ Β·Β 1:23

SAM | In conversation with novelist Allegra Goodman about her new book

Sometimes you discover a new book that feels like it was written just for you. It's one of my very favorite feelings in the world. And for me, that book at the start of 2023 is Sam by Allegra Goodman. One of my other favorite writers. Lily King, who I've reviewed here on Swell, said this about Sam quote I've been an Allegra Goodman fan for years, but Sam is hands down my new favorite

#newbooks #novels #bookreview #amreading #authorinterview

Bowie Rowan
@bowieΒ Β·Β 0:21


I love talking with writers and other creatives about how failure and rejection have played a role in their work and careers. Could you speak to how rejection and failure have or haven't been a part of your journey as a writer? And if the experience has changed at all as you've become more established with each book?
Bowie Rowan
@bowieΒ Β·Β 0:42


I experienced the narrative voice of Sam as really tender, yet also assured. The book made me smile, laugh and even cry. If I'm totally honest, I imagine it takes a certain amount of confidence and also vulnerability and openness to write in a narrative voice in this way
Bowie Rowan
@bowieΒ Β·Β 0:27


Lastly, I am already counting down the days until your next book. No pressure, but I'm wondering if you would be willing to share a bit about what you're currently working on, or maybe just something that you're really excited about creatively at the moment, now that Sam is out in the world, I'm sure many of us will be looking forward to whatever your next project is. So thank you for sharing