Bowie Rowan
@bowie · 2:08

Mind blown! Wealth, shown to scale 📉

I would love if you took some time to play with this scale and I would love to hear your thoughts and reactions to this. There's something really powerful about using a visual tool like this to make an argument. And I'm wondering if there's anything that you see a bit differently from looking at this rather than maybe just reading some of the articles that it's using to support the argument, or if maybe this is making you feel more entrenched in your views when it comes to distribution of wealth

Can we solve the greatest problems of our time by changing the distribution of wealth?

Shammi Mohamed
@shammi · 4:45

Proof that we could fund #UBI. Also, we shouldn’t outlaw billionaires

But I think if you want to look at history and he will come up as a single handed person who did most towards reversing climate change, right? His impact is immense because he was able to take a lot of his wealth and focus it against the whole automobile industry and against the whole fossil fuel industry. Because of his wealth, he was able to fight them. And today, the conversation between every automaker is, oh, my God. We really need to go electric
Bowie Rowan
@bowie · 4:32

Is the story of America getting in the way of the ideals it was built upon?

My personal theory or thought around it so far is that it really has to do with the story of America, and it's for some people feeling anti American in some way to redistribute wealth in a way that's not earned unquote or something where there's a sense of this personal responsibility and what comes with that, is that okay? You can make your life whatever you want
Sudha Varadarajan
@sudha · 5:00

A conservative viewpoint

Then the output is mediocre and you do not see the innovation, the productivity, the overall economic output that you expect to see the minute you remove incentives. Capitalism incentivizes you by promising better returns for your hard work, and socialism does not provide you that incentive. It in fact, removes that incentive, and by doing so, it also diminishes output overall. So an alternative for wealth redistribution. And let's understand that wealth redistribution is the problem of capitalism
Sudha Varadarajan
@sudha · 0:53
Or some portion of the profits and a combination with equity and not equity that is diluting the market value, but rather equity that is moving from the largest shareholder to the employees or something like that at. So there are capitalistic ways where we can keep the incentives in place. We can incentivize. All parties keep returns as they are, but still come up with innovative solutions to redistribute the wealth that is created in any particular year
Shammi Mohamed
@shammi · 4:57
I don't think it would be as disgusting if a lot of people were not in poverty and they could just move on. And the reason they are in poverty is not because they didn't work hard, but essentially because they got a raw deal, they got a bad deal. They couldn't start working towards a better life. That said, if I was to believe, I think America achieved its economic might when the tax rates for the rich were a lot lot higher, right
Keerti Pragz
@KeeKee · 2:56

# is economic growth a scam ? #global goals # global wealth redistribution

So since we touched upon redistribution of wealth on those lines, I just would like to ask this question is the economic growth scam. Let's say we have finite resources on this planet and X amount of number of countries sharing it. So this means in order for one country to have a rise in GDP, there will have to be a fall in GDP in another country. Isn't there a time that we start thinking beyond boundaries?
Keerti Pragz
@KeeKee · 0:23

There is interesting video of husband Minaj discussing about whether or not Bellinius would be saving us. I think it's quite a good one with all facts laid out. I'll post the link in the description and I would be really interested to know your take on this
Sudha Varadarajan
@sudha · 3:45 is the conversation I am referring to

And I will link to a previous discussion in another conversation that we have had, where I've given an example of how this just happened in recent years in the community that you and I are from in the model that I propose. It's the workforce that earned those profits that is now eligible for a reasonable share of those profits coming back to them. But it is something that it's the workforce that worked for it, and they get to share in the profits
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 3:30

A moral compass conversation- #billgates

We know that there's a lot of abusive power. I think the more that government has power, the more they control the people and the more things decline. As long as certain kinds of people are drawn to politics, those people will control the governments, and governments will be corrupt until we have a whole redistribution of who governs. So putting money that I earn into the hands of the government is the last thing I want to do ever at this point in my life
Shammi Mohamed
@shammi · 4:48
Some people don't work as hard, but it's a collective effort towards the mission of the company, and as a result, also making profit for the company. Now these profits are not necessarily equally distributed to based on the performance output for every employee. For example, the CEO is disproportionately rewarded for what people look at as tough decisions that the CEO has to make from the ground
Shammi Mohamed
@shammi · 0:32
I wanted to clarify my last point. I think I said if you give people money, chances are that they will work their best. What I'm really meant to say was if you give people money equally equal across the board and don't make it a competition and tell them, of course, it's contingent on them doing their best work. You will find that everybody does their best. And as long as they're not worried about really being part of the competition
Bowie Rowan
@bowie · 1:56

💸 #bernie #drake @KeeKee

As far as even if a person like Bill Gates is the best case scenario. As he points out in the video, there's still this knowledge that billionaires have an inordinate amount of power socially and economically just due to how vast their wealth is, and oftentimes that wealth can be used for nefarious purposes. And that is really my biggest concern is that lack of inequality. It just puts too much power in certain individuals people's hands
Bowie Rowan
@bowie · 1:14


And I really do think that socialism is just something that has a really bad rap and is often conflated with a lot of other government styles and world history histories that would give anyone pause. So just another thing to consider. But I did really you've given me a lot to think about with that example. So thank you