Book recommendation of the week-Day 4: Four Thousand Weeks- Time Management for Mortals By Oliver Burkeman

Good morning, good afternoon and good evening, wherever you're listening to this from and welcome to my podcast. I'm your host. Goodbye, but you can call me Kay. And here we share our love for mental well being, health and wellness, hello, art and science, neglected tropical diseases, and everything between. And today we're doing our Book of the Week recommendation

#TimeManagement #ToDoList #MentalWellbeinh

He draws from philosophy, psychology, spirituality, history and science shares his own personal experiences and insights, which I find very helpful, as well as stories and examples from other people's lives. And the good thing about this book, what really got me engaged as he wrote it, in a clear, engaging and humorous style and offers practical and realistic advice on how to apply his ideas to our own lives
The first few pages I was like, wow, okay, this is me being talked about. And it also just sort of awakens. Not awakens. It sort of wakes you up to see the endless loop of the fishes cycle in with technology, with work, with our to do lists, trying to get more accomplished every day. But it just goes to show you that the more you try to get accomplished, the more you have on your plate