From the Vault: 9/2/2004

Metal, wood, glass, plastic are what the doors are made of. They lead all different ways and places, from outside to inside, from up to down. Through one door you can be shown the future or see the past. When you walk through them you are able to see everything thing in one place or another. The mind of my 17, almost 18 year old self. So interesting

#poetry #reflections #freshmanyear

Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 0:53


Are you impressed that someone your age is impressed with it? At this point in reflection, you're being recognized by your peers. My dear. Congratulations. I wish I would have known you in college, high school or any job. So bravo
Blair Redmond
@blairbearing · 2:15


When the world was, you know, my oyster and I didn't have all these things in life in the way and making me think that I couldn't be the things that I wanted to be. In terms of the poetry I write now, some of it's on here. Most of the poetry that I've written lately is actually erotic poetry, which I do not read out loud for various reasons
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 3:16


Because, yeah, the thing is, I look back on stuff that I did back then is that I'm a more mature person, but I'm still the same human being. I still have boundless love for everyone in my life, in the universe. And you can write, like, the poetry you wrote back then. It's only gotten better, I'm sure. And what I love is, like you said, you went back, you looked at it in 2014
Blair Redmond
@blairbearing · 2:46


I will think about sharing my erotic poetry. It's on my mind. There's not many of those poems that exist, but I know that there is a market for it. And I told myself that 2024 was the year of me putting my work out there, and I write everything for myself, first and foremost. But I know that if I wrote it down on paper, it's because someone most likely wants to hear it. And that's not like the ego talking
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 3:41


And now that you and I are adults, you're a woman, I'm a man, and I'm reflecting on the boys work and you're reflecting on the girls work. I'm appreciating the boys work like you're appreciating the girl's work. And like you said, you wrote it because you liked it. You liked it when you wrote, it was how you were feeling