Random thoughts on status quo and late night free written poetry.

I stopped writing because there was no advance in it. My heart is too romantic and I don't understand your vibe. Hot and cold. Yes and no. I won't make the first move and you call me, but then don't follow through. Virgos aren't known for being flaky individuals. So what are you not telling me? Truth be told, I'm probably never going to know. And that's why I write this poetry

The picture is just because I was doing nerdy girl things and forgot how powerful the cover was. #justforfun #doingmything #poetry #statusquo

javon johnson
@motoblanco · 0:34
You know, Blair, you had me kind of fooled. I saw, you know, I came across a swell and I saw the spawn poster, and I got kind of excited. I'm like, oh, shit, is there a new spawn movie coming out? But anyways, thanks for the poetry. They're a little bit short, but you probably need to add maybe one or two more stanzas to the first stanza. But who am I to criticize? Thanks. Have a good night
Blair Redmond
@blairbearing · 1:04


Thank you for listening and commenting. And born in darkness, sworn to justice. That is why I posted the swan movie poster. And in terms of the first grouping of words for stanza, those were not mine. I should get better at reciting that or saying that when I am reading words that are not my own. And usually I do, and for some reason I didn't because that was like a definition on something that I saw somewhere. However, I should definitely do that
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 0:14


Blair bearing. I'm the biggest fan of your work, and I'm missing too many of your posts. You're going to have to invite me to everything that you post on swell so I can keep track because I hate going back and be like, damn, I missed it. I need to re swell that
javon johnson
@motoblanco · 0:17


It? Yes. It's always a good idea to cite your sources, I guess, or cite your author. But in either case, it kind of comes across as the first paragraph of a short story. It
Blair Redmond
@blairbearing · 2:38


I'm like, well, okay, it still needs to stay here, but sometimes I also remove it. But thank you just as always for interacting. I mean, you are the goat on this app right now. I will say that you honestly have some extreme opinions, but at the same time, I can find so many similarities and parallels in the way that we think about certain things and the way that we communicate. And I can find common ground
Blair Redmond
@blairbearing · 1:04


It's okay. Like I can't seem to find where I got it from. So now I'm starting to think like maybe I was riffing but I mean, it says random thoughts and then it says a poem and that's kind of the order. Like I just am reading, then I say the status quo and then I say these are my random thoughts and then I say this is the poem. But I mean, art is subjective. Art is subjective. Art is subjective
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 1:23


You can not tag me and everything. I'll just find them and stumble upon them when I see them as I go about my journeys on the day. But really, what are my extreme opinions? I'm just in love with Christ, that's all. If you truly believe in God, there is no extreme opinion. The extreme opinion is God exists. Hell is real, save as many souls as you can. That's all I can say. Is that extreme?
Blair Redmond
@blairbearing · 1:59


No, you'll find them when you find them. That's really how I move. That's really what I believe. Because I'm living it, right? I'm living it. I'm putting my stuff up there, and everyone's going about their business. Everyone has their lives. You got your kids, you got the stuff that you're working on, and I post it and you find it when it's necessary for you to find it. It's the organic way
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 2:32


I can read your poetry at my own leisure. I don't have to, surely, at one point in time, be perceived as stalking you online because I want to be friends with you. Best friends. I'm jumping at the bit to be your best friend. And you all. Let me. Let me in, Blair bearing. Let me
javon johnson
@motoblanco · 0:43


Hey, Rooster, it's probably not a good idea to approach a female poet and tell her you don't know any famous female poets. Yeah, Rooster. So your spirit is willing, man, but your muse is weak
Blair Redmond
@blairbearing · 1:03

@motoblanco @RoosterCollins

Sir, I am offended. I'm not offended. Not for real. I'm not offended. Did. But, yeah. Wow, Moto, your reaction made my evening. That laugh is gold. Thank you. I'm definitely coming back to listen to that time and time again
Blair Redmond
@blairbearing · 0:15

@RoosterCollins | I definitely go to poetry more often than not.

Some go to priest, others to poetry, I to my friends, Virginia Wolf
javon johnson
@motoblanco · 0:22


Hey. Good morning, Blair. My dear, please take no offense of my words. Those words were meant for Rooster. When I said muse, I meant his muse, not yours. But Rooster knows I'm just having some fun with him. You know, I've seen him around. He's kind of a character. But take care and have a good day. Bye
Blair Redmond
@blairbearing · 0:29


Moto. You are all fine. I took no offense. And I know that that was just, you know, a little, I guess, mini burn or roast or whatever you would say, but no. All fun. I heard the. What would I say? The sarcasm in your voice. But thank you, and I hope you're having a great day
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 1:45


And all these haters pop out of the woodwork trying to make your boy look like a fool. But he doesn't care. He's over here making radio. Haters will come and haters will go. They all right with me. So if words are being spoken in true negativity, I'll just let them wash off my back. Because I fear not any man, for I know God. And it's
Blair Redmond
@blairbearing · 0:58

@RoosterCollins epic response, I’ve honestly been waiting. All sarcasm aside, Thank you!!

So in that moment, in the five minutes that you have, unless you want to keep on recording message after message, I mean, that's what you got. But this. More gold. More gold. You know, I'm expecting, like, epic responses like this from now on, though. So, um, we'll see what you got on on the other comments. I'm joking, but this was magical. Thank you so much
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 1:04


I can't make every comment epic and I do speak off the cusp as they say. I said last night I did a thing about Hillary Clinton and I said Hillary Clinton like four times in the thing but I left it in there because I like the mistakes. They add flavor to the overall president presentation of the piece. So yeah, keep doing what you're doing Blair bearing and come over to my freaking show and do your loveline thing or something. Get some ideas going
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 1:05


He's one of my favorite artists, but I just put on a Google search or YouTube hip hop instrumental, and sure enough, there he was, 2014, Forest Hill drives. So, yeah, I don't know if you're familiar, like I said, but Mr. Cole was born in 1985. January. Him and I are the exact same age. Same age as you, Ms. Blair bearing. Maybe you're destiny is to be betrothed by Mr. J. Cole himself
Blair Redmond
@blairbearing · 0:34


I had to jump on here really quick and say that I believe in the sanctity of marriage, sir. And J. Cole has a wife, so I'm not interested in your man. Do not listen to Rooster. But thank you for sharing the instrumental. And, yeah, I will hop on your show
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 2:54


And he's a proper gentleman. He's very a. If you go to my. He's my podcast partner. He's very handsome. Very handsome, very smart, very would. Wow. You want to talk about someone that can discuss poetry with you, that is a poet that would absolutely fall madly in love with you. That would be my friend, barefoot Lobo. Maybe you should go follow him, Nathan. He's very handsome