Blair Redmond
@blairbearingĀ Ā·Ā 4:27

Daily Meditation: Resentments Hurt Everybody

There is an air to me, and people often say that I think I'm better than them in some way or fashion. Most of this stems from the way that I think. I've been very black and white for a long time. There weren't many gray areas, and words were so powerful, thoughts were so powerful, and I realized at a really young age that you had to be in control of them

#mindpower #thoughtpower #wordsmatter #thoughtsmatter #thinkfrom #miserylovescompany

J.L. Beasley
@Her_SisuĀ Ā·Ā 4:15

Part 1

I know, and I acknowledge one of my triggers for me and a lot of the things that I have endured and allowed myself to endure is because of a lot of our relationship dynamics and things that in my critical, influential years, she just did not provide or provided it in a way that was not hopeful for me, for the type of child that I was and the adult woman I am
J.L. Beasley
@Her_SisuĀ Ā·Ā 4:58

Part 2

She made peace with the person at work, never used the updated resume. And for me, it landed as a waste of my time. But the person who wasted their time was me because I should have really assessed if I had capacity, my day to do that. So now fast forward to this week. So text goes out. I say, I'm straightforward in the text. Look, I don't have capacity to do that this week
Blair Redmond
@blairbearingĀ Ā·Ā 3:34

@Her_Sisu thank you šŸ™šŸ¼

And your reaction, just like the way that you reacted to your mom this time was completely different. And you're gonna have, like, this aha moment, and you're already on your way. So just thank you for sharing that. I needed that reminder, too, that I've put in some hard work and I need to continue to do the work