Avoid the seasonal blue and try those evergreen options: Smalt

When writing, remember: 1. You maybe used Smalt which oxodised i.e. external factors influenced your past work making it age unexpectedly. 2. You can make evergreen choices using foresight and effort. 3. Emulate don’t imitate to leave behind that legacy you desire. ⚪️Subscribe to my Premium Swells



I love this metaphor. It can apply in so many different ways, just generally speaking, and then several ways even within writing. Some authors have written things that are very maybe timely or very culturally relevant, but give it time, and then it's quote unquote, outdated, or it's not aged well, or and then there are others that are those classics that somehow you can connect with. And it doesn't matter when they were written. They're still amazing pieces
Binati Sheth
@Binati_Sheth · 4:54


You can't spot the good writing in others because you are not reading books. How are you going to realize whether what you have written is good or not? So reading is also very important. So I'll be covering all of these different facets of what goes into crafting a book because that is what it is. You are crafting a book from start to finish and then even after finish. Which is why we have called it writing and beyond
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!


Maybe if I just dip my toe was in at least first entertaining the idea and then maybe the idea of a children's book. I don't know if I'll actually do anything with that idea, but it seems less daunting
Binati Sheth
@Binati_Sheth · 0:19


It sounds like a plan. Take the first step. The first step often is free writing, which is let whatever's moving around in your head come to paper. And then you decide what you want to do with it. You can always chuck it. Yay