Asking your opinion on this Book cover

Hello. Swell. Today I'm asking you a question, which is when you see that book cover in the photo, and I want you to see the book cover also. In an effort to enhance accessibility, I'm going to read what the book cover says, which is how to Hug a Porcupine Easy Ways to Love the Difficult People in Your Life. What do you think this book is about? Let me know and I look forward to hearing from you

#AskSwell We shall do a follow-up Swell about this Q&A and why book covers are important. #WritingAndBeyond

Maurice Lekea
@malekea · 2:25
How are you interacting with such and such a person? Because he or she is very difficult. But you try not to change them, they will accept you. And by accepting you at the long term, sometimes people can start changing their also views on things. It's not an easy answer. Each one of us has a different approach. That's how I deal with I have difficult people that I deal with most of the time and we get along well. They have their own way of thinking
Binati Sheth
@Binati_Sheth · 1:59


I think that is such a wonderful answer, which is acceptance. Exactly. I think what gets conversation with, quote, difficult people difficult is we try to force them into our way of things without realizing that, yes, maybe they are being a porcupine. But then in us being so insistent about our way of things, us not accepting whatever it is that has been going on about the situation, that's us also being a porcupine


I think the second line is really helpful because without it, there's a lot of room for interpretation. It could be a children's book. I wouldn't necessarily know that it's self help or nonfiction or something like that, but the second line is helpful. And because you will hear people describe, quote, unquote, difficult people as prickly, then I can make that connection of the porcupine
Binati Sheth
@Binati_Sheth · 4:33


So even though this is someone just satisfying their hunger, they will seem like a porcupine to me because I am going to read this as them triggering my misophonia, when in fact it is just a person satisfying their hunger. So this book teaches you to see things, in my opinion, as that which is we are all porcupines to someone else, from someone else POV. The trick is to, I suppose, not be a porcupine that stabs you, but be a porcupine you could pet


I think I remember which porcupine you're talking about. And I love how you broaden the perspective here of not only them being our porcupine, but how we might be their porcupine. And it really rehumanizes everyone. And I think also with the specific porcupine put on this cover, it's so cute you can't help but want to hug it, right? And so, I don't know, all tied together, it seems rehumanizing
Binati Sheth
@Binati_Sheth · 0:14

@SeekingPlumb Rehumanise those porcupines. :)

It. Hashtag rehumanize your porcupine. I think this could be a cute little thing. We could probably start at some point. Yes. Here's to rehumanizing our porcupines
Sreeja V
@Wordsmith · 1:00
The porcupine is very cute in this picture, you know? So there is an endearing quality to the porcupine, but yet it is a porcupine. Right. It does come with those needles around it. So I think it's perfect for the title, which is that you cannot do without these people in your life, but they are difficult, and so you must learn to love them. And so how do you do it? I think it's perfect
Smita Ruth S
@SmitaRuth-24 · 1:42


Again, I don't try to indulge with any kind of conversation if the person is just trying to spread negativity and trying to be very difficult and make other people's life difficult because it's one life and you want to be with good company and good surroundings and you want to be with people and every time it's not going to be like that. But then it's your choice whether you want to be around difficult people or not
Binati Sheth
@Binati_Sheth · 1:13


Shrija gets it. That's what the book is about. It essentially is about that. It's about acceptance. It is about love. It is about choosing to accept and love people. Because one thing that I personally loved about this book is how it says that, oh yeah, I'm a porcupine, you are a porcupine. Everybody is a porcupine. And the porcupines in our life, difficult or otherwise, because porcupines won't stab you. Pro porcupines are domesticated
rajat chakraborty
@trawell_cast · 4:15
It is sometimes surprising to me to see that how our education system has programmed us to believe that competing with one another, or in order for me to succeed in life, the best way out is to defeat someone else. I have never been able to reply to that logic. And somehow I want to come to a point where I do not want to compete with some other people. I want to reach a point where I can complete myself with other people
Binati Sheth
@Binati_Sheth · 3:24


And I hope that, or rather I agree and wholeheartedly support your hopes of having education systems that teach us to foster the kind, loving, inquisitive, courageous spirit that we are all born with. It just gets, I suppose, beaten out of us in the system, in. Thank you once again for your lovely response. Bye
Binati Sheth
@Binati_Sheth · 0:34


You got it. It's exactly about that. It is also about making us realize that we are difficult ourselves when put in specific contexts. We all have parts of our personality which is difficult for some people to get along with. And it is the joy of relationships. Healthy relationships is realizing that we are all porcupines. And at the end of the day, it is about healthy communication and choosing to love. Thank you. Bye
Jeremiah Myer
@Jeremiah73 · 4:30
You. Hello. I thought the book cover was very cute and very sweet looking. The drawing of the porcupine is very well done. I actually thought it was a book that was written primarily for young school children and trying to teach young children how better to get along and cope with other children that they're having to be put in the same room with or ride a bus with, or that sort of thing. But it's certainly a topic that is important for adults as well. I tell you
Binati Sheth
@Binati_Sheth · 1:17


So it's not specifically tablet to children, but mostly it is younger individuals who are going through life who will pick up a book of this sort. There is a special version of this book for children. It's an illustrated copy. And there's also, like, a tiny little short movie that was made inspired on this premise, targeted to children and teaching them that occupants are huggable. You just have to find some foam pellets to dull the, I suppose, brick of their perks