Binati Sheth
@Binati_Sheth · 4:55

The Practice by Seth Godin

It is he sends something irrespective of what's going on in his life. And I think that's a very good role model to have when it comes to writing a book of this sort because he's been practicing the thing for years. He's been walking the talk for years. And his network, I think, courtesy of the books, is written the talks he's given around the world and the kind of consultancy services he's provided across the board

#AmReading #BinatiReviews

Sumran Jot Singh
@Sumranjs · 0:42


Hey, Binati, I want to thank you for posting this. I haven't read any of his previous works, but I just listened to the entire swell. Your words and your recommendation, I think yeah, it holds a very universal truth, which is the practice makes everything perfect. Or just the practice. I the thought process behind the practice is critical for anything to yield any result. So thank you for sharing. I hope to grab a copy of this book and read it