Gift the younger generation the joy of Reading

This was me as a kindergartner apparently getting a set of books for being a good student. And I still have those books, and I'm not going to get rid of them. So if you remember, and if you don't mind sharing, what was your first book ever and who gifted it to?

#Reading #BSwell

Ramya V
@Ramya · 2:24


Interestingly, this practice. I do continue with my adult friends with Sreeja, of course, I've been enthusiastically giving her books that I loved reading, not always considering if they align with her preferred genres. However, these titles are of course great reads that I am sure anyone would cherish. But maybe she can tell you more about these books. So yeah, your perspective is something that I totally I agree with


Okay, first, you've inspired me, and I love this so much. I have a gift giving opportunity coming up, and I'm always stressing about finding the right gift. This particular person does love to read, listens to a lot of audiobooks as well, but I never know what book to buy them because our views on the world are so different, and I don't know how to fit into the niche of the genres that they do like
Binati Sheth
@Binati_Sheth · 4:29

@Ramya They will eventually read it.

But I am playing the devil's advocate from your kids, Poe. Sometimes you're not ready for the books that we have lying around. This is another swell that I'll do once I know how to frame it. Words like sundoku, the Japanese concept that has been largely Westernized, where you collect books that you don't read, right, that's actually a largely positive concept. It is spoken of as a negative thing when these things are discussed in public discourse
Binati Sheth
@Binati_Sheth · 2:42


I was frustrated with the book and then I reread this book recently in June and this book is just sublime and I can totally see why now. I didn't get it at 21 2019. I don't know for sure, but something young. But I do get it at 29 ish because at that point I was 29. Yes. So at 29 I finally got the book. So maybe that also could happen to you with book choices and things like that
Aanchal Makhija
@Dr.Aanchal · 0:38
Hi, Binati. I totally agree that, you know, reading is just like an entertainment. And my first book was Reader's Digest, which I still have the copies. And also, I want to share this one quote by a German author. He says that I'm paraphrasing, of course, that books take you deep inside you, so it makes you think, it makes you become creative. It makes you look beyond the horizons. So, yeah. Thank you for sharing about this book
Binati Sheth
@Binati_Sheth · 1:27


Yes, indeed. Reading in general has that effect on people. Because the thing about reading is, no matter what you are reading, the interpretation of it is going to be universally different. Yes, Newton's laws of motion are going to remain constant for you as well as me. But the symbolism that I find in those laws, it will be different. Right