Always read the fine print (free lunches don’t exist, even in book publishing)

And because they are charging for every bit of it, you will ask for explanations that why, why here and why there is on Amazon, you are technically not being charged up front. So you don't really ask any questions. You just hit I accept. And then later on you end up, you know, having a loss. So know that every form of book publishing involves risks. The risk is being taken by the publisher #writingandbeyond Kindle direct publishing #bookpublishing

@homosanity · 3:18
Thank you for this swell. I did not know that about Amazon. As far as the storage feeds go, I did not know that. I don't really have a huge amount, a huge, huge amount of books on there, but I do have some. I actually have turned to start writing on there app called Kindle Vella. And basically you really don't make much money off of that. People pay the price of a bagel to buy your book
Binati Sheth
@Binati_Sheth · 3:49


Thank you so much for sharing. The fact that you made the decision to hit publish. Even if you are making the equivalent of having a bagel, you hit publish. You ensured that at least one person who wants to read the type of story that you've written looks up your book. They're gonna find it, right? So there's a very nice quote by Mason Cooley. He says, reading gives us some place to go and we have to stay where we are