Gunjan Joshi
@Bibliophile · 2:28

Burnt Poems

There were several such names who were condemned for their work but still they choose to stick to their ideologies which were different. So my poem today is dedicated to such Joan of Arcs. So here goes my poem. Burnt poems. I am a half burnt poem. Yes, you guessed right. A girl's love poem. Girls love poems have seldom escaped fire. Father's fire, brother's fire, husband's fire. Even mother's an heirloom

#Womenhistorymonth #Women'sday

Payal Shandil Gupta
@Payal_Shandil · 0:48
Hello. Good evening. And a happy women's day to you, too. And what a wonderful poem. Beautiful poem, actually. And you mentioned some names that are familiar. Some names I had heard of, and some names I really need to find out more about. But yes, these were the trailblazers. Us, who in so many known and unknown ways have made our paths a little easier. My only hope is that somewhere somebody says the same thing for our generation too
Geetha Kariappa
@angelface7 · 2:12
Hi, Gunjan. Thank you for this poem. It is so refreshing and inspiring. And this poem is dedicated to all the women who dare to be different and pays tribute to legendary women idolized in the annals of literature and religion. So you mentioned some names like Payal Das who changed her religion in search of soul. You know, I remember Bronte sisters, Charlotte, Emily, Annie who changed their name, or even J. K. Rowling who wrote under pseudonyms to fit into the expected system of patriarchy
Challa Sri Gouri
@challasrigouri · 0:46
I hope you'll always keep sharing such kind of wonderful swells with us, keep us inspiring, and then you'll always rejuvenate our love and affection towards the nature as you always do. Thank you so much
Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 1:06
And the more moment somebody tries to change the status quo, then all hell breaks loose and it becomes somebody's file. Thank you so much for sharing this with us. Bye
Gunjan Joshi
@Bibliophile · 1:09
So the poem is about the plight of common women who chose to be different. So thanks for your opinion once again. Keep commenting. You have a great day ahead. Bye
Gunjan Joshi
@Bibliophile · 2:48


The way these women of repute were detested in society and were condemned in society. Also, you were right when you said that the Bronte sisters used pseudonym. Writing was a kind of rebellion in their era. And also it was very great of them that they tried pseudonym to publish their writings because they wanted to test their literary merit. Unlike today's time, people put pictures and their name and a lot of description about their work. So it was very high of them to think that way
Gunjan Joshi
@Bibliophile · 0:26


Good morning, Gauri. Thanks a lot for constant encouragement and for all the kind words. I'm often not able to reply to your swells and I really apologize for that. But I think I would make up for it now. And it really takes a big heart to praise people from the heart. And you clearly have that. Thank you. You have a great day. Bye
Gunjan Joshi
@Bibliophile · 2:20


Good morning, Ranjana. Ma'am, thanks a lot for your words of wisdom and for your constant encouragement. I am very fortunate to have a woman like you among my acquaintances who's very learned and perceptive. I think you've hit the bull's eye by saying that any woman who tries to question the status quo and tries to go against the societal norm is declared as a difficult woman or a cynic or an absurd person or a heretic. And there are many other words
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 0:45


Thank you, Gunjan, for your wonderful words. And yes, I think what happens is that the world makes some kind of a mold for everyone and expects everyone to fit into that. And that's not possible. And if you don't fit into it, then you are probably not fit. So I think we should be able to appreciate who we are and know and carry it like a badge of honor. So I think I like what you said about yourself, that you are unapologetic about it