Provide A Safe Learning Environment

Well, hi again, everybody. My name is Jim Burns, and thanks for listening to Antibullying 101. Each day, I'll be providing you with an antibullying tip that you can use as a parent, a teacher, or even a student. And these tips can be applied in school, at work, in relationships, or just in life. So here's your antibullying bullying tip for December 11, 2022. Provide a safe learning environment. Learning is as much emotional as it is mental #Anti #Bullying #Burns #Safe #Learning # Environment

Marley Musarra
@MarleyMusarra · 0:51
So doing whatever you can to, like you said, move the brain towards the neocortex, which we would call green in our work. But yeah, 100%. And I think this is not necessarily common knowledge in terms of the science and neuroscience and psychology of it the biological physiological aspect. So I love that you're educating, bring awareness. Thanks so much