James Burns
@BeSimplyFitย ยทย 4:01


Smoking or excessive drinking, eating or spending. You know what I'm talking about. You wake up in the morning realizing that you've sworn off cigarettes, enter on a diet and almost feel depressed knowing that you can't have your coffee in a Marlborough this morning, oh, we'll quit. But it may take lung cancer or an oxygen tank before we do. Change, you see, is painful. Very painful. Sometimes it requires a series of epiphanies before complete change takes place

www.bullyproofclassroom.com/store #Change, #Anti #Bullying #Burns

Deborah Pardes
@DBPardesย ยทย 1:38


Hey, James, I've been appreciating your contributions here. I think your swell cast is so beautifully structured, and the topic couldn't be more important. And I'm so happy you're out in the world and here in this world. And I'm responding to this particular subject because I wanted to ask you the I guess the age old question about change with regard to you can't change others, you can only change yourself, that idea
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisuย ยทย 0:44
Hey, thank you for providing these tips. They are very helpful and I'll definitely recommend the book and aim to check it out myself. I have a son in middle school and am around a lot of other parents and this is a heavy be topic of discussion because it happens and we definitely all need to be on one accord to just stop it from occurring or let bullies know that these behaviors are not acceptable. So I appreciate the work that you're doing
Swell Team
@Swellย ยทย 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

James Burns
@BeSimplyFitย ยทย 4:42


So if we want to facilitate true change in a person, it has to happen extrinsically first, and the schools can do it by starting to reevaluate the consequences that are imposed. And bullies are antisocial. So if a person is a bully in a school, they should be excluded from social activities. But of course, that will never go on because parents will go up in arms, and parents can be part of that problem as well
James Burns
@BeSimplyFitย ยทย 3:00


Hi, this is Jim Burns, and thank you for being a listener to the Antibullying 101 swell cast. If you like these tips, please visit my podcast on Antibullying 101 on Spotify. There I do between 30, 40, 50 sometimes in our podcast on a variety of topics, most of them associated with bullying