Are you allowing past experiences to hold you back?

Ahead. Good night, great night, blessed night, abundant night. I rather be sleeping, but I'm up. And since I'm up, I'm going to bring out his message. So tonight I want to talk to you all from the subject of are you allowing your past pain to hold you back are you allowing past pain, past traumatic experiences, um, past relationships, friendships? Are you allowing that to hold you back from new opportunities, new possibilities?

#love #selfhelp #healingtheheart

Everything Jay
@everythingjay · 4:21
Even going through dating situations that may not work out, I have to stop allowing it to make me fearful of the next person, fearful of enjoying the next person, because I'm like, oh, as soon as I get attached, it might go south. So thank you again for this. I look forward to listening to some more of your swells
LaDorris T
@beingelletea · 3:29


Like, the last job that I had, they went out of business, and it was just like I was unemployment. I just graduated from a college program for business management, and I'm just like, well, what's the point of me being here without a job when I can go live in another state and actually try to actively pursue my career or do something it is that I love? And I still decided to go. When I got there, it wasn't all peaches and cream