Becky Butler
@bc75 · 3:09


You. Hello, swell family. Becky here. I wanted to create a piece that focused more on health and wellness or really mental health and wellness. You know, things I've picked up and learned over the over the years from those I've known who have had experience with some of these devastating circumstances and decimating situations. It is ironic how the trivialities become clear when the profound it is that we have to deal so much nonsense occupies the mind taking time and purpose from our lives perspective

#ironic #blessing #pray and #thanks

Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 0:54
You? Hi, Becky. This is Erica Souljourney one. K. How are you? Isn't it wonderful how God just takes the trivial things of life and the rough things of life and smooth them over, make us like diamonds? You know? It's just like the scripture that says, you know, try me, try me. In the fire, I'll come out as gold. So it takes some time for many of us to look at life from that perspective