Balah M.
@Balah · 2:34

Mercury Retrograde- Cosmic Inspection

What if I told you everything you ever heard about mercury Retrograde is completely opposite of what you have learned over the past 17 years of studying the patterns of mercury in retrograde. Some real key things that stuck out. Because when we experience mercury in retrograde, it's always said, don't do any contracts, don't do no new paperwork, don't start nothing new. It's all going to go in reverse

#Mercury Retrograde # April fools #Cosmic inspection

@jowie · 0:02


Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 0:21
Hey man, great reporting. I can't say I've ever heard it explained like this, but I'm here for it. I like a good flip of script. You know, something that encourages you to think a little outside the box. And this definitely does that. So hope you have a good one. And thanks for the update, and thanks for the insights. I will look forward to more swells you post here in the future
Balah M.
@Balah · 0:32


Hey, good morning, my man. Thank you for the feedback. I appreciate that. I've been studying for a long time, and I. You know, I do astrology for a living at one time, but it is also true what they say about things going in reverse coming undone. But you have to think about it. Anything that's not done with integrity is going to come undone anyway. So when the mercury retrograde comes, it just exposes what's not done well, right