Carly D
@Astroality · 1:35

One do over… Would you take it? 🤍🎙️

You. Okay, swell. I want to know if you had the opportunity to take one do over in this life, which means one decision or one choice that you've made in this life, and you had the opportunity to choose differently. Knowing where you're at in life at this point, but not knowing where that change of choice was going to lead you or what your life would look like after that choice was made, would you take the do over?

#askswell #wishes #choices #lifealtering #reset #fate

Nelson Reyes
@Eivlsin · 4:55

Bad news can take you - enjoy what matters most for they grow so fast my baby daddy here to stay no more drinking

And I looked at him and I said no, I over drank because I was angry and I haven't drank in a year and it almost killed me. So if I could never do that again. Learning that you could die just by over drinking alcohol, that's something that I will never do. I learned that life is pretty fast. Pretty fast. You have to live your life. I said to myself, this is something that I will never do again
Brian Foreman
@BKFOREMAN69 · 3:58
But if I did the do over on this one, I would have never met my current significant other. And it's too soon to say where that one's going. But what if it is a big positive? Then there's no do over there either. I dare say the one do over I could do that would have not negatively affected my life was to be a not do not do over, but a not. And that's a person I dated
Jordan Tepper
@JordanTepper · 3:51
You. Hey, Carly Pino, this is a hard one. Thank you for posting this. And the butterfly effect. I don't think I would want to mess with that. There are a lot of things that I would, I guess, have regrets about saying, like, oh, man, what if I didn't meet this person? What if I didn't date that person? What if I didn't do this event? How would things be different?
Carly D
@Astroality · 1:03


The fact that they're proud of where they came from, proud of where they are, and hopeful for where they're going in the future. This is awesome, and I'm really glad that you shared. I hope a lot of people listen to your reply so that they can maybe get themselves in that same space. Because I believe that that space is a space where we grow from, it's a space where we learn from
Carly D
@Astroality · 0:47


Ah. Nelson, I am so incredibly sorry to hear that you had to go through this experience, but I am very glad to hear that you also came out of it on the other side. It sounds like you have a new perspective about the choices that you'll make going forward. Everyone makes choices that maybe are not for our highest good at some point in life. But the important thing is about the bounce back rate, being able to say, I know that I won't do that again
@SoulSoDef · 1:52

#doover #noregrets #dogmom #love

You know what's funny is that I had this thought this morning when I woke up. I was just looking around, and for some reason, the thought popped up in my mind of, what if I had of stayed in the military when I had the option? I joined the Air Force right after I got a high school almost 20 years ago. And I thought to myself, what if I had done that? What would my life be like now? And then I looked down at my dog
Carly D
@Astroality · 1:57


And I also love that you just said, I may not be as authentic as I am right now if I hadn't been through the things that I have been through. I think this is something that we all think of from time to time, like, oh, God, was this, like, a big mistake that I've made? That is going to impact ripple effect on my entire life
Carly D
@Astroality · 1:47


It's nice to know that you're never alone, right? We're all journeying on this path together, even though we may take steps in different directions. This was beautiful. I hope you and your soul dog have an incredible day. Bye
Carly D
@Astroality · 1:19


But I love that you're having great perspective on it, saying, like, each and every one of these things happened for a reason, and I'm here where I'm at for a reason. I love that even in spite of troubles, you were able to triumph by getting your master's degree. That's a beautiful thing
Jordan Tepper
@JordanTepper · 2:02


They'll look at you and you could just see into their soul. I'm glad that you're okay. I'm glad that you can say that you're okay. I'm okay too. Am I great? No. Am I good? Perhaps. Am I okay? Yeah. I like where I live. I was just actually thinking it's like I like where I live. I like myself right now. I might not like myself in 2 hours
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Brian Foreman
@BKFOREMAN69 · 3:58


You. Okay, we'll try this again. Apparently, the recording stops if you get a phone call. I appreciate the kind words. I appreciate the support. I just want to tell a brief story. I had a professor many, many moons ago whose son was the sole survivor of an attack while he was in the military, and he had enormous survivor's guilt, and he was in the class with me, and she asked if it was okay
Renee Slay
@Renee_Slay · 3:35


So if I could undo the damage that that did between myself and my kids, I would make such that even with the risk of not knowing where it would go, I would never let that man into my home, into my life, into anything, ever. And I think I turned out pretty awesome, right? I really do. Especially with all the s*** that has happened to me or that I've been through
Carly D
@Astroality · 1:17


It's okay. So I just want to give you so much appreciation for sharing this response because it is so honest, so real and I am so glad that you value yourself enough and you know, you're worth enough to say there is no way in the world that I or my kids deserve to have that experience lessen or not. And I would absolutely 1000% undo that if I could
Darlene Williams
@DSWDSW00 · 0:43
One do over would you take it? Good morning, swell podcasters and listeners. My experience would be leaving a position in one state and moving to another. Even though I was somewhat financially prepared, my work experience kind of diminished, and I didn't really have the opportunity to flourish the way I should have been able to do. So one do over would you take it? I probably would have stayed so that I could expand my work experience and grow more with the company that I was working with
Carly D
@Astroality · 0:42


It's. This is really interesting to me because before I finished listening to your entire reply, I was thinking, oh yeah, she thinks she would have taken that opportunity or taken that job and moved, but it seems like it was the opposite for you. So thank you for sharing your input. Thank you for engaging with my small cast. I appreciate it. I'm glad that you're able to look at the experience now and say, I should have stayed where I was
Manny Rabbit
@MylifethenNnow · 2:42
I would have liked to just seen how far I could have gone with my creativity, with the film industry. I think about that every now and then. And now with posting on Instagram and all that other stuff, it does it does help, I guess, get my creativity out. But I gave up so quickly because my grandfather needed help and I just had to be the good guy and help him out. And it took me to where I am today
Carly D
@Astroality · 2:19
We were getting our nails done and we were kind of chitchatting about that, like, man, if I had only not dated that guy, like, how different would my life have turned out? So this is awesome because it's so true. There's always going to be that recess in your mind that says what if, right? And I think, like I said, most of us for the majority of the time can go with the what ifs and just embrace the now. But I agree
Leanne Pritchett
@TheMs.Leanne · 3:22
Internet wasn't totally up and running yet that I did that I'm not happy about, that I so regret. But again, thinking about it, I'm like, would I really be a different person? Would I really be that different? Because a lot of our life experiences have grown and shaped who we are
Carly D
@Astroality · 1:59
So be mindful of your words, be mindful of your actions, be mindful of the impact that you have on this world, on the planet, on all of it. Right. Because you are so much more powerful than you give yourself credit for. And when you behave negatively towards yourself and others, it creates karma. And then when you behave positively and you give generously and you're kind to others, it creates dharma. Right. And I think that this was just a perfect illustration of that
Leanne Pritchett
@TheMs.Leanne · 1:19


It. Thank you. I loved your reply, too. I got to tell you, when you said you like the Flash, I'm like, yes, I am friends with someone who voiced the animated version on Justice League and Justice League Unlimited. I'm very good friends with him. And so that's just an added bonus, by the way
Carly D
@Astroality · 1:03


You. I love this. That laugh at the end was everything. So thank you for that. It made me smile. Yeah. I will tell you, my kiddo wants to get into going to Comic Con. I just haven't done it yet. So if you have Comic Con tips, please do share them. And I agree with you. Swell has been incredibly impactful for my life, and I, like you, was unsure
Leanne Pritchett
@TheMs.Leanne · 2:32


But I found actually going, like, on airbnb and getting a place that's close to the con that you can maybe take an Uber to is a lot cheaper. So I do have more, but those are just off the top of my head. And then, oh, God, I have the best time because I get specialty dresses made, blah, blah, blah. I don't know