Carly D
@Astroality · 1:59

Whatcha eatin’? I love this salad! 🎙️🤍

You all. I just made this salad earlier today, and I wanted to share it with you guys because it's one of my favorites. First of all, I love to cook, so just in case you needed to know, if I really like you, I'll cook for you or I'll bake for you. If I haven't cooked for you or baked for you, we're not there yet. That's like, my benchmark

#foodie #detox #homemade #yumyum

Carly D
@Astroality · 1:18
And when you're in a really good space, when you're in a really clean and clear space, you can see the blessings along with the lessons. If you're not in a very good, clean, clear space, you can find that to be a little bit more challenging, right? So deeper, heavier energies can set in, like depression, loneliness, all that stuff. So be super mindful of getting extra rest right now, really staying hydrated, watching the foods that you eat
Nidhin George 🔷
@geo_rhymes · 0:41

Do tell about this heavy energy ....

So something that you said really caught my attention, and I just had to ask you about it. Something, as you said, about the heavy energy? Yeah, I've been feeling that for the last couple of days. I have been feeling, like, very dense, you know, like some things heavy and weighing down on me. But I don't read much into it, so I ignore it. But now that you mentioned it, I just had to ask you about it
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Carly D
@Astroality · 4:54


Or why was I thinking about that specific instance? Right? Why is that coming up now? It's because of this retrograde energy. And the reason for it is because the planetary energies are trying to align in such a way that you have the freedom and the flexibility to purge it finally, to let it go, finally
Carly D
@Astroality · 0:21


It. How are you going to leave me hanging like that and not tell me what it is that you're cooking? Because that looks super delicious. And hello, my fellow foodie. I'm so glad that we're becoming fast friends. Whatever it is that you have cooking going over there, it looks like it smells delicious. It looks like it's going to be very tender and taste delicious. I want to know all the things. Share with me
Carly D
@Astroality · 0:32


You okay? Totally. My bad. I just now saw the description. When you said that, I was like, what is he talking about? And I just never put titles on responses, so I see it now, and that sounds delicious. That steak looks like it is cooked to perfection. I am in love. I love it. Looks like it smells good. It looks like it's super tender
Jordan Tepper
@JordanTepper · 2:14

How do you know me?

And actually, I will post a picture of that here so you can see what that looks like. And it's going to taste exactly like an Andy's after dinner mint. Now, I'm a cooking w****. That means that I will cook for anyone that will eat it or anyone that will watch, because I just think it's fun. Yeah. So if I'm cooking for you, it just means that I'm a w****
Carly D
@Astroality · 1:10


You. Thank you so much for making me laugh. Everything about this response gave me, like, some genuine laughter, and it's coming at the right exact moment. Also, can I tell you that, like, I love marshmallows, and now I want to eat all of that. Like, I didn't even know there was a thing, like, flavored marshmallows. Like, where have I been? Have I've been living under a rock?
Carly D
@Astroality · 0:42


It's. I also forgot to share something with you, Jordan. Do you know that? When I was younger, probably, like when I was a teenager. My dream career dream job was to become a chocolateier and own a chocolate shop that was, like, on the edge of a lake or an ocean or not an ocean, but like, a lake or a river. Like in some really small quaint town, maybe back east. That was always, like, my dream job
Jordan Tepper
@JordanTepper · 3:14


I have no problem of giving people my recipe and teaching people how to make it. I'm not scared. There's no scarcity. And I'm glad that you have a sweet tooth, too. And there's going to be a lot of food conversation happening. Thank you so much. I really appreciate your enthusiasm
Carly D
@Astroality · 1:01


It's. This story gets more and more awesome by the reply, like, what are the chances that you know someone who's a chocolate tear? I literally just love chocolate. I love it. So that was kind of why I wanted to do it. But I love food and I love conversations around food because food, like, makes people happy generally, right?
Rohit "ROSH" Sharma
@Foodographer · 1:34
The eggs, a source of protein and nutrition make this salad a complete composition. So let's dig in and savor every bite. Oh, Carly, you came up with with this delicious and healthy delight. So thank you, Kali, for bringing up this wonderful salad. And I'm thinking of munching it, but I'm quite away. But I'm going to make this in my own style. Hope you like the poetry
Carly D
@Astroality · 0:39


Because the dressing is a combination of avocado, oil, salt, pepper, lemon juice and honey. So that's just so awesome. I appreciate you, and I appreciate your input. I look forward to sharing more recipes and food things with you going forward. Nice to meet you, by the way