Carly D
@Astroalityย ยทย 4:12

Choices:: How do you make them? ๐Ÿค๐ŸŽ™๏ธ

Hello, everybody. Wherever you are in this beautiful world of ours, I am wishing you well. I want you to have a discussion with me. I want you to share your thoughts, your opinions, your advice, all the things. Let's talk about the way we make our choices. Because right now the moon is in Taurus, which is all about our foundations, it's all about our family, it's all about what we've value, right? What we place our values on

#choices #options #values #astrology #lifepath

Jordan Tepper
@JordanTepperย ยทย 1:57
Or it's not there's a lot to unpack here that is just just don't have five minutes for but we do have the rest of the time to make uranus jokes and how my moon is circumventing uranus
Carly D
@Astroalityย ยทย 1:50


And are we not able to take more than one vacation at a different time? It would be the craziest things. Feel you. And again, I appreciate you so much. Thank you so much for your input. Thank you so much for making me giggle. Hilariously. Yeah. I hope you're having a beautiful day
Swell Team
@Swellย ยทย 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Jordan Tepper
@JordanTepperย ยทย 1:50


Or, like, just answering a question and someone says, no, this isn't it. Yeah. Analysis paralysis on everything. And I didn't think I have some wise or wisdom just making b*** jokes for planets. I appreciate that. You always make me, like, really dig deep down into these areas where I just don't want to go
Carly D
@Astroalityย ยทย 1:22


And helps us to cut those cords to people, places, lifetime circumstances that didn't serve our highest good and that may be holding us back to be able to release those life themes of analysis, paralysis or underquited love or disappointment or whatever the life themes might be that we carry with us that allows us to kind of work through untangling that knot. Which is what I love about astrology. It's what I love about Tarot. It's one of the reasons why I started to do both. Yeah
Glenn Mann
@GlennPriceMannย ยทย 1:32
Wow, this is such a big topic. And it's a little heavy too, because choices like like for me, I'm someone who overanalyzes just about every choice I make from, you know, what am I going to eat tonight, should I get this, should I get that? Maybe I should get that. Wait till tomorrow. Especially when it comes to the big things too
Carly D
@Astroalityย ยทย 1:11


Because you're going to experience twists and turns and bumps and bruises on either path, right? Some are less traumatic, some are a little more traumatic. It just depends which way you choose. But I think the point is actually getting back to ourselves and saying, I trust myself enough to know that no matter which way I choose, I will be okay
Leanne Pritchett
@TheMs.Leanneย ยทย 0:52
Again, it's a bit of a challenge, but definitely worthwhile. And something, again, I have been working on. It's been helping in terms of my self esteem and to just put value who I am as a person. So thank you for this. I always appreciate it. And I'm glad to hear you make more posts again. Bye
Carly D
@Astroalityย ยทย 1:15


I'm glad that you've taken some time to really put yourself first and try to see your life as you yours and put yourself as the center stage star, right, instead of a co star like you deserve to be center stage in your own life and in your own world. And, yeah, it is difficult because we all have responsibilities and we all have big hearts, right?