Five Things You’re Probably Doing Wrong on Social Media

Like, I'm sorry. Nobody cares. The whole point of social media is to be social. And one great way for big brands to be social is actually to create educational content. Educational content blew up on TikTok within the last couple of years. It's highly, highly trending, and it's not around educational content of, this is how our platform works. No, it's educational content on. Here are five ways that you can increase your credit score in 20 days or less

#Marketing #SocialMedia #Branding

Tanishi Singhal
@iamtanishi · 0:16
Well, social media has its pros and cons, and yeah, the five things that we talk about are very, you know, well said and very much true. Thank you so much for sharing these things. And I'll try to implement them and try to correct my mistakes
Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 2:57
This app is doing really well, in my experience. I've been here for over six months and I've seen it grow. My following has grown organically, significantly, exponentially, and it's been a great conversations and I've met some great people on this app. The conversations are substantial, and I think with an app like this, you definitely have to be more intentional
Marley Musarra
@MarleyMusarra · 0:55
So anyhow, I still am not totally caught up and could really use all the help I can get. Like tie. I still use hashtags. I use them because I don't use, like you said, all the words in my comments. But I it's good to know that if you do use them in the caption, then it will factor that in. But yeah, a lot of times I kind of just factor in, like, similar things as well. So curious
Ashley Carty
@ashleycarty · 0:23


The crazy thing is, is that Instagram knows that that's about now. So we're going to really start seeing that pick up where the algorithm just can tell what's in the photo, and you won't need to use any of those. Adding the location obviously, is really helpful, but it generally lee already knows that as well. Depending on how you capture the content
Ashley Carty
@ashleycarty · 2:15


And as long as you put out quality content, people are going to be able to find it. The thing that's really, really going to play the biggest role in it showing up to other people is having that engagement, having really high engagement. That will create the snowball effect. So you get that engagement within the first few minutes of the post, and you organically reach 500 people in that first hour, and you get a very high engagement rate from those 500 people
Dee Shields
@iamdeeshields · 0:41
We just say, hey, listen to my talk on Swell or social media or marketing or hashtags and say that in the beginning when we share it's, do we still need the hashtag here on
Dee Shields
@iamdeeshields · 0:38
But what about when you're making the tik tok do we necessarily need to click on that one that captures it in someone else's voice? Or should we make a habit of reading out loud what we're trying to say in our own voice? Okay, thanks again