ash dew
@ashdew · 4:54

10 Tips to get over a Heartbreak!

You know what? Just get over it. That's what I told myself after shit happened. And those of you who know and who have been listening to my spellcasts know what exactly I'm talking about. So, you know, we all have gone through a heartbreak at least once in our life, but practically, probably more than just once. Now, this could be a breakup with a significant other or a friend

#heartbreaks #breakups #divorce #movingon #marriage #shithappens

Surya V
@welcome28 · 5:00


And I have installed PUBG and played and I played it for like three months. It's very addicting. It's very addictive, the game of PUBG. Then after three months I have stopped playing it. And just for fun I have tried and I liked it. So I have played for about three months. Daily 2 hours. PUBG heaven is going to fall also. I don't care. My mother used to see and ask what is this? You are playing video game like a kid
The Bookbot Theory
@Bookbot · 2:15

Amazing tips @ashdew

One of the most beautiful quotes that helped me at that time is you might love somebody with all that you have and it still might not be the love that person is looking for. So there can always be that difference in what you are offering and what that person desires it. So please don't blame yourself. Thank you so much once again. It was lovely listening to this. Take care
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Neena Maiya
@neenamaiya · 0:22
You. One of the best things I did for myself was to find a bunch of friends who just love to hang out and do stuff, play cards, go to the beach, just hang out and laugh and go to brunches and just do happy stuff. Honestly, it works
Pragati Chopra
@Pragati.chopra · 4:13
Hi Ash. I know it's very hard to heal from a heartbreak and we've all heard yourselves about what you have been through and you've always been so positive and you've been so strong in expressing your emotions, your own swell. And in spite of that difficult the situation you dealt with, you were so motivating and so encouraging and so positive in all yourselves
@Candy Livesherlife
@candylives · 3:37
I think one of the things that I really learned in this well is the part about sad songs because I'm a sucker for punishment, man. I think I like to be in pain. I listen to these sad songs and then I'm like, oh shit, why do I do this to myself? And then I start missing him and I'm just like, this was so dumb. Like, why did I listen to this sad song?
rajat chakraborty
@trawell_cast · 0:51

#authorspeak #happiness

Hey. Hi, Surya. I was listening to your answer, and I've been laughing all the way right from the beginning to the end. I mean, that was a hilarious one. You know, I could never imagine somebody could use PUBG to get cops from a breakup. You know, I'm trying to imagine, you know, someone who's already in a PUBG relationship is, you know, switched over to a new one. Something like that. Yes, you're absolutely correct
Kavya .
@Kavya13 · 0:35
Hello, Ashdew. And thank you for sharing these helpful tips. And heartbreak and incredibly challenging. And having a guide like this can make a world of difference. And for those going through it and through your advice, we can heal. Candy can interpret that. Yes, self care is valuable candy. We should also remember that supporting each other during the tough times in always make us stronger as a community
Yuvraj Jain
@yjain60 · 1:32
I do know that you have two indies, which are lovely ones. And yeah, it's great. For some reason, probably this is the second time I'm hearing you, but it's amazing to hear you out. And come on, your ten pointers were seriously great. And I was constantly smiling and laughing while I was listening to your swell. I don't mean it in a bad way, but it was really cool
Himanshi Thakur
@GreyMatter · 4:05
And you have all my support and love and all my love and warmth to you always. And you already sound like a badass woman, so I'm not worried about you. You'll do just fine. I know, but thank you. Thank you for enlisting these things. I'm going to bookmark it. I'm going to share this with anybody in need just to let them have some clarity and perception about how dealing with these tough times in their lives. Thank you so much, ash
Challa Sri Gouri
@challasrigouri · 1:41
Hi Ashmi. Yoshwal is really very insightful. I truly agree that most of us, every one of us might have gone overcome this heartbreak at one or the other particular moment in life. Sometimes it's very hard to move on, as you rightly mentioned. And I truly feel that the tips that you have mentioned will absolutely work out for everyone. And I really loved the second tip that you said like, speak to someone
Rohit "ROSH" Sharma
@Foodographer · 2:02
It very nice. I hope people with that mindset will definitely follow these rules. Although we are emotional whenever emotion baharaijata but it's good and I hope you are starting a new innings. Banana or century bananas or achieve enjoy garna meanings go and it's important hota bhat karna both important. That is I think it's very important but rajat kirke to take step or step lenika bhat this is a discuss karna kibu muje judge nahikaraga important. Jesus casse circle. What kind of circle you have?
Eluchianna Olive
@Luchianna · 4:36
It can stop you in your tracks but it doesn't define who you are. And you do have to get over it. But that's like death. You never get over death, do you? You never give over losing someone that meant something to you. So it's not about getting over it, it's moving past it. It's really just saying okay, I've been here long enough, I'm not going to stay here
rajat chakraborty
@trawell_cast · 4:57

#authorspeak #lifejournal #failureinc

You should have a goal so that your emotional investment is more towards a particular goal or dream or a vision that you have for your life rather than for a relationship alone. Because relationship is a part of life, it's not a heart of life. There are a lot of people who will come into your life and go away
Theo Seibold
@itsTOW · 4:55
And I thought as things got better for our relationship because obviously being in a serious relationship through going through a divorce is obviously going to be tricky, to say the least, for those who have done it, especially if the person you're divorcing is truly not playing fair, if you will. And I think we've all been there. It's not to knock my ex wife, she was upset, I get it. She was angry, I get it
Ankit Sharma
@BhukkhadNaama · 3:40

#love #heartbreak @ashdew

Kani Paragi Abdeku when you won't empty the cup in your life, you can't fulfill that cup with someone else. You have to let go of that feeling, the whole feeling, that whole emotion. So Uskibad, you have to get that feeling for that other person. If there is that person that you think, he'll be the perfect version for you. Joaapco Support karega joaapki Help I don't have any tips for it for a heartbreak or so
Kaps A Perspective !!!!!
@kaps60539 · 1:57
You. I asked you as you talk about heartbreaks, but at the contrary, I feel why should one have heartbreaks? Why should we give the keys to somebody who can break your heart? Mana Yadil Shisha but tornaga Hugo Matlokes it's difficult to comprehend, but it's very easy to come out of it. Kudos to you and very happy for you that you've been able to come out of it and feels great that the Ash Due 2.0 is quite a different what I heard her six months back