ash dew
@ashdewĀ Ā·Ā 2:28

Oversharing on Swell??

Ah, okay. You know, I was just thinking yeah, I think a lot. So I was thinking that is it possible to overshare on Swell? I mean, you know, it's kind of like healing, you know, sharing things here. It's like journaling. But then is it possible to overshare? I don't know because, you know, I replied on somebody's well, and I think I might have overshad and then I later deleted

#overshare #tmi #healing #journaling #swell

Nidhin George šŸ”·
@geo_rhymesĀ Ā·Ā 2:25

@ashdew I love this platform particularly for this reason.

There's always an audience who's interested in that kind of stuff as well. And that's the most beautiful and amazing thing about Swell. It's quite an open platform. It's as open as a platform can be. At least that's what I've gathered in my five, four months on Swell. So whatever it is that you want to share, there is an audience for that just, I don't know, maybe use the right hashtags and voila. That's it
ash dew
@ashdewĀ Ā·Ā 0:29
You. Yes, I think you're right. You know, there's an audience for all kinds of sharing and yeah. So I think I will continue sharing. Maybe not as deep as I did in one of my replies that I deleted. That was, I think, TMI. But, yes, I will be sharing my personal life and my personal experiences also. Thank you. Now I know how to save a draft. Thank
Rohit "ROSH" Sharma
@FoodographerĀ Ā·Ā 1:44
Hi, Ashmi. I can relate to you what you are saying in the starting. I also used to feel because there is this application is something which is very different. You speak over here, your words are there and people listen to you. And they're not just words. I think your voice is there. There's an emotion to it. So people will be there to judge. But I still doubt man crowded ojambasatma instagram to hoga Facebook. It's better
ash dew
@ashdewĀ Ā·Ā 0:55
So I think it's only natural to have apprehensions whether or not one should share here. But yes, I want to continue and I will be sharing a lot of things here from my life, my experiences, and I hope we can connect more
Kaps A Perspective !!!!!
@kaps60539Ā Ā·Ā 3:04


Because remember, they're all kind of people in this world with right or wrong intentions, at least for you. So you got to decide. Take time to interact with a person and if he or she gels together and understands and comprehends and the good times happen with him or her, go for it. Then probably overswell. Or I would say discuss your personal matters. Take your time. Because any relationship is just a reflection of your happiness
ash dew
@ashdewĀ Ā·Ā 0:17


Hi. Good morning. Thank you for the reply. Know, what you said makes total sense. One has to take time to understand the other person, and also this platform is to enjoy. So, yeah, that's what I intend to do