Arish Ali
@arish · 0:58

For or Against: Elon Musk’s purchase is good for Twitter

Hello everyone. I am jumping on this bandwagon. Ask swell. I know everybody is talking about Elon Musk's purchase of Twitter. There are many great swells on it but I wanted to have a slightly different approach to it. I would love to host debate on it where each of you replies and picks a site for or against. Are you for Elon Musk? Is it good for Twitter or are you against it?

#ForOrAgainst #twitter #elonmusk #freespeech

Taylor J
@Taylor · 1:06
It kind of worries me that only one person, Elon Musk at that is going to be the be Ali, end all the judge, jury, and executioner of the Twitter verse
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 1:09

Against: What ever happened to our distain for monopolies?

I know he's got a lot of plans to kind of change the strategy, and I know he's going to be changing algorithms, and he'll be allowing us to do some edits for a few minutes. I know he wants to democratize the experience, but we're living in really dangerous times. And I think anyone who doesn't agree with that should not be running a platform like this. And he doesn't think it's dangerous times at all. He's much more Wild West
Professor Z
@Professor42 · 1:09

Neutral. If I had to choose for or against I choose for. See one of his most recent tweets below

In fact, his most recent speech would highlight my very opinion. That is what he mentioned. That he hopes that even his most harshest critics remain on Twitter because that is what free speech means
phil spade
@Phil · 1:57

For: It's Capitalism

I think that'd be a fantastic improvement if he was able to do that. I also think his definition of freedom of speech is going to be misunderstood by a lot of people. I don't know what it is, but I guarantee the people that I hear it's not going to match up. This guy's pretty much a libertarian from what I can tell, people forget how much risk there is involved here. Twitter is not setting the world on fire
Sudha Varadarajan
@sudha · 5:00


But Twitter was in some sense removing anything and everything to do with whether it be Wuhan, whether it be vaccine they were blanket, removing censoring tweets and so there is this entire conversation on and dialogue on free speech versus disinformation. I think there's a lot of work to be done on these algorithms and I think Musk's intentions are right. So for now I am for it. Let's hope he succeeds
Shoaib Khan
@Shoaib_Khan · 2:35

Against the motion

Hey everyone. So I'm definitely against emotion because I feel little bit scary because how a person with his adamant and his obstinate could give whatever he wants just because he has money in his hand. I know that he wants to support free speech on Twitter, improve Twitter experience, improve user experience, but giving control to one person of a very vast technology just going to make him another Zuckerberg
Samuel Penate
@samuelpenate · 1:29
Arge, thank you so much for inviting me to this. I was looking at this earlier today in the morning, and I gotta say that I am not even against it neutral or in favor, you know, because I feel like social media medias in general are going to be progressing in the recent times that we are right now
Aishwarya Sunil
@aishwaryasunil_ · 1:00


I mean, there was a website, there was clearly Islamophobic selling women's pictures against their will. All of that Twitter could not really control. And I think that's my qualm against Twitter. And I don't really see this change in ownership do anything for that issue. I don't know what his policies are, and I'm curious to see what it's going to be. But I don't really have faith in Elon as an individual to really change Twitter for the battle
Malika Green
@Gracegracegrace · 1:59
I also worry that he's going to let Trump back in, and I really like that Twitter band him because he was very toxic and lying all the time and basically doing horrible things via Twitter. So I worry about the lack back of checks and balances if it's just on what Elon Musk thinks should be there and what free speech means to him
Mark Brooks
@markbrooks · 2:32

FOR: Innovation and Authentication

I think it's also very important to protect people that want to express an opinion that could land them in hot water to some extent. They may well be informed, but there should be the ability to check that it really is a real human being and not someone who has been hired to say something or could be a propagandist. So I think there are two elements that inform my opinion that I think overall will be a positive thing for Twitter
Lois O
@alobird · 3:40


I don't think that it's that concrete and I'm not really for it because of similar to what I think someone else mentioned, which is that I don't think anyone in this day and age who has some of the ideologies and beliefs that Elon Musk has should own something such a large platform like Twitter. I don't really agree with Mark Zuckerberg owning Facebook and WhatsApp and Instagram. I think that's scary in and of itself
vikas arora
@aroravikas28 · 2:20


But there's also a number of $30 at which Goldman Sachs had valued this company not too much long ago, just in February 2022. So the offer, both in terms of Goldman Sachs fair evaluation recently and even the last trading price is much higher and so completely it looks completely justified and fair for the board to accepted what they've already done. So we'll have to see how it goes further. So all in all, my little piece on this is for the motion. Cheers. Bye
Binati Sheth
@Binati_Sheth · 4:17


So with privatization happening to Twitter, we can see a lot of features, new or amendment to existing features, all of that. So from an innovation perspective, I think it speaks well for the company that now, rather than the egos of the people in charge, the will of the users is probably going to see what feature gets greenlight, what feature gets an ended, what feature gets, et cetera, et cetera