Be the Alpha

So it's much like riptides in the ocean where you have to let the waves carry you, which is so weird, because your every instinct is to fight back. But unfortunately, in that situation, that's not the right thing to do. So I hope you guys gained something out of this today. And if you guys want more content, but also a lot of stories from my book, mason, the Advanced Champions, check out my subscript. Go ahead and subscribe and check that out

#alpha #life #tellmystory #life #lifelesson #motivational #change #story #awesome #truth

Lewie B
@lewieB · 0:36


Hi, Ariel. Thanks so much for sharing. I really liked your post. I liked how you talked about choosing to be the alpha and choosing to really attempt to achieve and get through any obstacle or problem that you have and knowing that if it doesn't work out, that you're going to bounce back. I feel like that's what I sense from your post, is that no matter what happens, everything's going to be okay. And I have to remind myself of that
Ariel Chaisson
@ArielChai · 2:02


Hello. Hi. Louie. Yeah, so nice to meet you. Yeah, no, I definitely think that being the alpha is what gets you on being sort of like being that top dog and just taking it on and just saying that you got it exactly right. Life is going to throw that that vicious dog at you, and you just got to look at it just like you would a dog. Look at life just like you would a dog