Aradhna Barve
@AradhnaBarve · 2:40

Who am i?

So then again, who are you? Or who am I? A daughter, a passenger, a student, a friend? By not knowing the answer to the question who am I? I keep on creating new identities of myself, going further away from my true self. All the suffering in life is because of not knowing the true identity of yourself. Until you realize your true self, you believe yourself to be the name that has been given to you

#trueself #happylife

Arushi .
@Arushi321 · 1:16

Being your true self

You are naturally continuously living as a genuine human being who has respect and consideration for other human beings. You are not trying to love someone, you are just loving without even thinking about it. If you are a mature person, it is second nature that you are loving, that you are giving, that you are respectful and considerate, and that you behave and act in a refined and mature human manner. To make these values and manifestations second nature, you have to put conscious effort into them