Recently I was watching this documentary, Sunday actually, and it closed with the man saying, you can have and obtain whatever you want as long as you help other people obtain and get whatever they want. That's the share mentality. We all have talents, we all have discoveries, we all have our own niche, our own mode of creativity, et cetera, et cetera. And recently I got reacquainted with a very good friend, a very dear friend, and at a time we were both podcasters


Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 3:05
But it's pretty awesome what we do here on this app because sometimes I feel like I'm just talking, I just want to say something and the replies that come back and people are thanking me for sharing. Thank you for bringing this up. And I'm like, wow. And so sometimes I realize just those thoughts that I have, I need to get them out because someone else has those same thoughts or someone else wants to talk about those thoughts and it's about sharing
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 0:51


And it's this generosity of spirit that you've shown that really resonates with me, particularly because I listen to so many people's stories and journeys, and even in the telling is the sharing, that simple sort of offering that we do every day. So thanks so much for reminding us about what we're actually doing here. Beautiful
@ClassiLadi · 1:01


Yes, I like that word of the day, share. That's very true. We do need to share things that's going to bless others, help others, because we never know that what we're holding on to may be the very thing that releases that person or help that person or allow them to move a step further in whatever it is that they're trying to accomplish or whatever they're trying to do. So I think the word share is very important now for me