#LetsTalk | | Stories of rough airplan landings, or bad turbulence

I'm pretty much fascinated by all things aviation. I love to watch planes land and take off. I have been known to be found hanging out at the airport doing plane spotting. And when I can't get to the airport, I'll watch a couple of YouTube or Facebook channels. And I'm not alone. Most of the times while I'm watching a YouTube video, it's about 2500 of us online as well. So I am one of those people


Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 2:24
Hey, good day. You know, it's. I never known anybody who just likes to watch planes take off and land, but I do. But, you know, I like crazy things, too. Like, I like the sound of a train because I grew up around the train track and it's very peaceful to me. So we all have our things. But on that, right, that plane story, any rough landings? Okay
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 2:27


Clearly. I'm like, whoa, we taking 30 minutes just to drive to the gate. This is serious. But I haven't been to the Dr. So I don't know what that airport is like. But thank you for letting me know. That might be something to expect if that's the way the airport is set up. So that's something to expect
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 0:41


I'm like that with planes, learning about the Airbus versus the Boeing plane. So I guess the trains are the same thing. But that's a pretty cool thing that you do that you said is peaceful. That's interesting. So thank you for sharing that. I wanted to make sure I commented on that
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 2:27
But that's what happened to them, and it was because of bad turbulence. So other than that, I don't have any personal experiences is in the air that anything really scary happened. So praise God for that. And praying that I never have to experience anything traumatic while flying. Praying for that. Praying that nobody I know ever experiences anything like that. So thank you so much for this
Moe Johnson
@NeophyteSavant · 1:13
And I remember one time we landed and I started clapping and everyone, maybe two or three other people clapped, you know, reluctantly. And it's, know, I don't know. I guess I felt kind of silly as I started clapping. And I guess people was wondering what was I clapping for? And it was all about me clapping because we landed safely. So that's pretty much my story on that there. Anyway, Auntie Ange, have a great day
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 2:08


And so they had to bypass that and go to our major international airport, which is about an hour away. So if you got your car parked at one town or you got a family waiting for you, you have to figure that out. But safety first, of course. So I haven't flown in or out of that one. Of course, they have really cheap flights, but I haven't done it because I'm thinking about the landing. I'm not going to lie
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 1:17


Hey, Moe. So you feel me when it comes to clapping, right? Because I'll be like, listen, we didn't have to land, y'all. And I do know statistics because I'm a plane watcher, right? I'm a plane spotter. Most planes do not drop out of the air. If there's going to be an issue, it'll be during takeoff and landing
Maurice Lekea
@malekea · 4:27
But domestically, I have been traveling. I've been in many cities. I went to Texas, Detroit, and Philadelphia. I went to Washington, DC, Baltimore, and you name it. I've been almost everywhere just to explore the cities. But the worst place among all that, the worst place that I have been is Denver. Denver. 15 minutes before you reach Denver Airport or 15 minutes after you leave Denver Airport, the turbulence is crazy
Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 0:53

#aviation #flying #airplanes

So I make sure that I'm sitting nice and firm into the seat with a straight back. Because I guess I have experienced a couple of rough and jarring landings where I've been bent over and yeah, they're not pleasant. Usually it would be from when a wind would give out at landing and you'd hit the ground ground a little harder than you would intend, but nonetheless, keep the stories coming. Looking forward to from you in the future
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 2:01


So it's funny that you mentioned that airport. It's funny. There's also a rumor, or whatever you want to call it, that the airport is haunted. So it's kind of funny. I didn't feel like it was haunted or anything like that when I was there, but I just had that experience flying into it. So thank you for sharing your story
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 1:10


I heard, and I don't want to turn this swell into something dark, but I heard that if you were going to do a crash landing and they put you in the brace position, from what I understood, the brace position isn't to save your life. It is so that if the plane were to crash, you go ahead and break your neck and not suffer. So I was just wondering because, yeah, if you weren't sitting straight up, fill it more
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 4:23
And just now it's like, let me jump up from my seat and get my luggage from overhead really fast and block the aisle because I want to get out really quickly. And it's, where is that gratitude for a safe flight? A safe flight is so simple. Just gratitude. And we were sharing how overwhelmingly going flying to other countries. We noticed people clapped. And so we made a commitment. When we are traveling mainland, we're going to clap