I walked into a laundromat and met 13-year old me! Here’s what I said to her

When you're able to walk around and find other little girls and even other little boys like yourself, and you're able to speak through their pain and offer them a compliment or a kind word, your tears are going to be paid in return by the smiles of others, by the many blessings you're going to have the chance to realize. Keep your chin up, Angela. When you see me, you know that you survive. I'm proud of you, baby girl. Out

#SwellDailyPrompt #sdp25Jan24 #ugcprompt #TellYourStory @ThoughtProvoker | Going back to age 13

J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 0:25
It's extremely beautiful. Angela, thank you for allowing us a glimpse into who you are at your authentic core and sharing a vulnerable message from you to 13 year old you, which, as you mentioned, is the same you. Cheers
Moe Johnson
@NeophyteSavant · 3:19
And it's the same thing with boys as it pertains to whatever talent they may have in which they're being discouraged. And I'm not talking about all kids, I'm just saying some children, but this is really good. And sometimes those words, you're going to be okay. Those words, what they can do, how they can change a person's life, it's really something. Sometimes we take for granted the little things, just the little things. How powerful words can be
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 0:23


Thank you. Thank you. Jl, I'm a little late in getting back to you. Thank you. Thank you for the compliment. It's hard to be vulnerable when it feels like I don't want to always talk about pain, but there's really the only way I could talk to my 13 year old self is to speak to her pain. So thank you for hearing my heart on this. Thank you
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 0:26


Hey, Mo. Thank you so much for the compliment. You know, I think that you are an amazing storyteller. And so if you compliment me on my storytelling, that holds a lot of weight. And, yes, I thought about you when I was doing this. Well, because this is what we've been working on, right? In a sense. So I'll talk to you soon, and thank you so much for stopping by