Episode 4 | Goal Setting | The Anisha Perspective

So the key is to actually outline few areas of your life and just select one or two areas and choose what goal you would probably want to achieve for this year. And it can be a big goal. It can be quite a big, measurable goals out there, which maybe will take around six months or so for you to achieve. And you have done some kind of work behind it the previous year

What are your goals? #taponswell #askswell

Prashant Kumar
@smileypkt · 4:51

Powerful routines and habits make us capable of doing powerful things and achieve great results. #goals #habits #growth #progess #success

Okay, so let's suppose that you want to run marathon. Okay, so what should you do? You should only focus on running marathon or you should focus on your habits. So here I am saying that we should focus on our habits and routines on a daily basis so that in long run we can achieve our goals easily and how this will happen. If you want to achieve your goals, you must learn the art of breaking your goals into habits and routines
Anisha Rodrigues
@anisharodrigues · 0:34


Have added so much value to this wellcast platform over here. And thank you for using the hashtag. I'm really looking forward to you engaging with more such wells of mine and definitely will be inviting you to more such wells. And please do keep me updated about when you release as well as well, and thank you for your valuable inputs and insights
Prashant Kumar
@smileypkt · 0:40

How do you manage to take action consistently to achieve your goals? #Askswell #goals

I would like to ask you, Anisha, how would you set your goals and how will you measure your progress and how do you manage to take consistent action to achieve your goal and what you do like, what is your main principle to achieve a certain goal and how you categorize your goals in every aspect of your life? Explain it in further silkast. It will be very helpful. Thank you
Anisha Rodrigues
@anisharodrigues · 1:50


So if your goals fall in those category or your goals should be tailored to those five pointers, then you will be able to have a consistency in your goals. And how do you maintain consistency? I have spoken about this in my premium swell which I will be inviting you and I'll be posting. So if you like the content, please do subscribe to it because I upload only a snippet of the important parts here on the non premium swells
Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 0:40
Thank you so much, Anisha, for sharing about goal setting. I always feel that baby steps are important when we are setting our goals, because if we have huge goals right in front of us, they would really intimidate us. So it's as per my perspective, I feel that we need to have the break up these goals into smaller sets of goals so that we can take those baby steps and move towards the final big goal
Anisha Rodrigues
@anisharodrigues · 0:38


Ranjana, thank you so much for applying on my sril and thank you for your perspective. I think when I answered one of our followers question I spoke about how small steps are a big thing, right? Because when you join these small steps they add up and they become a big thing. So thank you again. Ranchana, more for your perspective. I really appreciate you interacting with my content on a regular basis and looking forward to meeting you on more of your swells. Bye
Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 0:05
Thank you so much, Anisha. And you're most welcome. Let's keep interacting here. Bye
Challa Sri Gouri
@challasrigouri · 0:52
Hi Anisha, I absolutely agree with you. Most of the time what happens is as soon as we think about goal setting we start dumping lots of lots of goals at a time. And what happens is since we dump altogether, some are ideal and some are practical. When we are unable to achieve the ideal ones we feel disappointed and we feel as if we are unable to accomplish things and we stop there
Anisha Rodrigues
@anisharodrigues · 0:27


I'm so sorry I couldn't reply because actually I was pretty busy. But thank you so much challa Sri Gouri, for replying to my swell and thank you for agreeing to the points you have told and I hope you engage with more of my swells. And I'm really grateful to you for engage with my content. Thank you so much