Damian Turo
@AngelLineĀ Ā·Ā 4:59

Stuck in my mind

But the same time, too, it's hard for me to escape my mind from that, you know, in my mind, like, it oftentimes feels like the world is against me. Like, I'm running away from all these people at the same time. Time. Who are these people? Like, is really just something that's, like, stuck in my mind, which it's literally, like, how do I explain it in my mind?

Kind of a journal for my disorganized thoughts #loner #reachingout

Ty Dobbs
@dobbstyĀ Ā·Ā 2:35
But I think there's so much value in kind of organizing your thoughts and developing mantras and positive affirmations that will help to reprogram your subconscious mind. That tells us we're not good enough, it tells us we're not lovable. It tells us all these terrible things that are not true, but we've been led to believe because maybe somebody convinced us of these things in the past. Either way, I still think it's our beautiful opportunity to right these wrongs. And I use those terms lightly