Race, Ethnicity or Culture -

And then it says, for example, people might identify their race or ethnicity as aboriginal, African American or black, asian, european American or white, native American, native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander. And it says race. While race is ascribed to individuals on the basis of physical traits, ethnicity encompasses everything from language to nationality, culture and religion. We generally assume that people see our race, ethnicity and culture the way we see ourselves. But do people?

#AskSwell #race #ethnicity #culture #society #socialmedia #rant #learning

Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:27
And to see other nationalities not dealing with this on this level, it shows that there are a lot of, I would say unrepentant sins in the United States and a lot of wounds that still haven't been healed. Because we don't want them to heal. We don't let them heal. We want to keep reopening this wound. We want to keep on talking about and reliving all these different aspects of history instead of, okay, this did happen. It was part of our history
Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 3:29
See, I'm kind of a nerd about it because I know a lot of East Coast hip hop had some responsibility in blacks strongly associating with Egypt as their descendants of African culture because the 5% nation, for instance, they preached a lot about that. We were kings, we were pharaohs, we were this, we were that sort of thing. So it's a whole other thing. But anyway, yeah
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Mike W
@Scribe7 · 5:00
I'm not putting nothing or fluid or nothing in the envelope and sending it to nobody all to find out that you're a whole bunch of stuff, you know what I mean? Like every European and every European and Asian has some DNA connected to Genghis Khan, every one of them. And that's the way, you know, from the way he ran things back then. But I feel the coles sometimes. I do. Well, I consider myself american
Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 5:00


If my biological family had done it right so that I could find them. Because I was in the search of my biological family. And so I did it for that reason and did end up finding my biological family. And that was very good for me. I needed that. But in doing it, my children always when I got it back and I sent it to my children, they were like, oh, we foreign. We foreign