Healing to heal - a conversation about abstinence. Let’s talk!!!

And I always felt like I had to have sex in order to get the love and attention that I wanted. I was made to feel that that was the only way to get it, was to have sex. And so I did it. It as I got older, I did take some of my power back, and I was like, no, I don't have to have sex. I want to have sex. But then when I was looking at my relationship especially

#healing2heal #sex #abstinence #confession #rant #inspiration #advice

Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 5:00
There were things that I looked over that I should not have because I was having sex and maybe he was good or there were things about him that were good. And so I kind of overlooked to continue having sex. And so looking at all of that and thinking about all of that and healing from the past traumas and things of that nature, I'm like, okay, I really need to do something different because I want this relationship to be different, right?
Maurice Lekea
@malekea · 4:08
Unless you give them what they want or your past, we can still continue following you. You have a case, therefore you know what sex is. You can give them what they want. Do not let that happen if you do not want it. And don't feel guilty because you have done things in the past. Those things in the past, they came and they left. You are you today. You are not you from yesterday. So you have learned
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:18
Hey, SIS. I think that even for followers of Christ, our abstinence journeys are different. And even though I chose to become abstinent because I wanted to glorify God with my sexuality, I wanted to glorify Him with my body, and I wanted to honor His Word and wait till marriage. Of course, I've definitely had my fair share of sexual experiences outside of the will of God
Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 3:18


And if a man is doing sexual undertones or he's not just innocent flirting, but he's sexually flirting, then I will be like, let me just say something, because I just want to keep everything in the open. And I'll tell them, like, I am practicing abstinence, so if that's an issue for you, we can end the conversation now and we can go our separate ways
Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 2:16


And so for me, it's about gaining that self control. It's about being disciplined in this area because I haven't been in the past, and it's really about getting my power back in this area. And so I don't diminish the spiritual part of it, but I do try to get people to under or men to understand that it's more than spiritual for me. And so if they don't respect it and they can't respect it, then you don't respect me
Cheyonia Wade
@Chey · 4:47

The Journey

You. So growing up, sex was a very taboo topic and it just wasn't really like it was not discussed and I thought that was normal. I didn't realize until later on in life that sex shouldn't be taboo. And if institutions work that hard to convince people that it shouldn't be had, it should be taught properly. And just telling someone they have to wait for marriage is not that ain't that's not the proper way
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Cheyonia Wade
@Chey · 3:54
And his crying from his crying, I broke down and gave him a kiss because he was crying, and I felt bad. And as an adult, I'm like, you should have been taught how to protect your heart as well as your poom poom. But I got in trouble because my friend told on me, and I got in trouble, and I didn't understand why I was in trouble, because I was just like, he was crying. And now I understand