#whatsayyou where is the accountability? She stole & then didn’t obey police, police shot her. Watch the clip

So why not just get out the car and go to jail? Because in this country, when you steal, you go to jail. I mean, that's what it is. If you get caught stealing, you go to jail. So when you decided to steal, you knew that it was a possibility that you were going to get caught and you knew that it was a possibility that you was going to go to jail. And knowing both of those possibilities, you still chose to steal

#society #politics #culture #accountability https://s.swell.life/STqZLbh9qkCAhOK

Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 4:53

https://s.swell.life/STqZOjO8lOnOTOl. https://youtu.be/At2sWeBWBU0?si=vJr8aSw0SOeTBYh1

Because they could have shot the tires out on the car, you know what I mean? And busted the windows in the car and just pulled her out, right? They could have did that. They could have just shot all the tires out on the car, and then the car wouldn't have been able to go nowhere. And then they could have just busted the windows out and pulled her out the car. So that could have happened. By no means did they have they had other options
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:55
But a lot of times, these cops are asking you to do things that are well within the scope of their job. And there's been so much fear infused in black people that they instantly react whenever a cop comes into their space
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 2:04
My thing is, if you really want to know your rights are under the law as it relates to police stops and arrests and things like that, then you need to do your due diligence to study those laws for your particular state, your city, and even this nation. How are you protected under these laws and then cooperate? Just like the young man in the park. He showed him his ID, went on with the rest of his night
Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 4:55


My license plate is fine. I got insurance. We're fine. I said, we'll just see what he say. And so he walked up on the thing and he was like, you know why I pulled you over? And I'm like, no, sir. And he was like, your light is out, your headlight is out. And I was like, for real? He was like, yes. And I said, oh, man
Moe Johnson
@NeophyteSavant · 4:56


And conversations like this I lose street credibility when certain people hear me talk like this because they get an attitude and it's like, listen bro, right is right, wrong is wrong. Now under no circumstances, and I agree with you and Andrea 1000%, under no circumstances did she deserve to die. None at all. There's no physical abuse that should have been exacted towards her. We know how the police feel about us
Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 3:36


They're just trying to make a living and trying to make a difference. There are some bad apples, right? But there's bad apples everywhere. But most of them are just trying to make a living and they're just trying to do some good. And so it's just unfortunate. And now this man has to live with the fact that he killed not only a woman, but he killed her baby, too