Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_SpeaksΒ Β·Β 4:56

Feeling a way!!! Not sure what way that is....πŸ˜³πŸ˜²πŸ™ƒπŸ˜‚πŸ˜­πŸ€¦πŸ½

So, yeah, I've never really been out of work, but it doesn't change the fact that I really don't want to be looking for work either. You know what I mean? Going through the interview process, because that is so nerve wracking. Going through the interview process and waiting to see if you've been picked. But I'm going to do it and it's going to be okay. Just feeling a type of way

#perspective #journal #work #career #people

d f
@MrDeeΒ Β·Β 4:25
If we were saying bouncing like the ball is on the ground, getting ready to come back up, but it hasn't just yet. So I guess I said all that to just say, to stay encouraged. You've got a little bit of an advantage or upper hand, is how I would look at it, being a recruiter. You know what recruiters are looking for
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFiΒ Β·Β 1:36
It really sucks to have to go through stuff like this. So I'm asking God to send encouraging angels to lift you up on every side and to know that there are people in this world that are praying for you. They're praying for all the good that God has for you always. So I love you. Bye
Swell Team
@SwellΒ Β·Β 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_SpeaksΒ Β·Β 2:44


So there's that as well because most smaller staffing firms want people that are in the office, and I don't really want to go in the office. So that's something that I'm thinking about because I may have to start doing that. But thank you again for your words. And I'm not sad and I'm not mad. I think stunned would be the better word. It's just like I'm kind of stunned because I wasn't expecting it
Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_SpeaksΒ Β·Β 3:46


D, sometimes we can get in our own head and be thinking about what we're going through and it can feel like we're the only ones going through something, but then I'm able to share this and then other people can see, oh, other people go through stuff, too, so I don't have to feel alone, like I'm the only one going through something because other people are going through something, too