Healing to heal - you can’t want "people’s approval" more than God’s!!!

And so now God has done some healing in the area of my adoptive dad. And I've asked God to forgive me because I was looking for the approval of my dad more than I was of God. And that's okay in my natural life, but in my spiritual life, it wasn't. It was like I had made my dad a God. And so we have to be careful of that. It's okay in our lives

#healing2heal #confession #advice #inspiration #lifejournal #healingjourney

YN Beshier
@NewWordOrder · 5:00

@Andrea_Speaks @Cosbyal4165 @DearAuntyAng @Her_Sisu @DerekPierre @allowthesun@ReneesChat

And I noticed a lot of times that I would work towards getting approval from certain supervisors or directors so I can be promoted, but then when it doesn't happen, it wears on me, it weighs on me and I'm sad about it. I may not get depressed, but I may feel bad about not getting that particular person's approval to the point that I can be promoted and then it may come
Derek Pierre
@DerekPierre · 4:11
But also, too, like, a good example of that, being able to have a big brother, to be able to kind of, like, go behind and see a good example of what somebody's doing. I think for myself, it hits so close to home because of how deeply religion has impacted my entire worldview just from being a child. My dad, he actually converted when I was younger, and it impacted me less because he converted, but more so because he changed his name
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 4:57
That's pleasing to you, to the God in you, to God, the divine being himself. It was not presented that way. It was like, you don't want to piss us off. You don't want to be in trouble. You want us to be happy. You want to be in our good graces. So I did things for a long part of my life, all the way up until I had my abusive relationship just three years ago
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 3:30
Hey, SIS. I listened to this this morning and I meant to respond and then I got caught up. I was cooking and got caught up. But I would say that for me, my parents have always affirmed me and they've always told me they're proud of me. I struggled with this when it came to spiritual leadership with pastors and leaders, and I still fight with it till this day. I always feel like never measure up in the church
Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 4:00


With my sister, there was a point where I wanted her approval. I wanted her to I was reaching out all the time and just trying to do things to try to because I really wanted to build a sisterly relationship with her. But first of all, God had to show me that, first of all, you can't force somebody to do something. Second of all, she was 50 when I found her, so she had lived 50 years of her life without any knowledge of me at all
Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 3:15


So, again, thank you for sharing, and I'm excited to hear more about your experiences and the different things that you know about the different religions and places that you've been. So thank you for sharing. I appreciate it
Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 4:43


And so sometimes they get jealous. Sometimes they get jealous because they see what God has for you. They see where God is taking you and sometimes they get jealous. And again, I'm not saying that that's what happened with your leadership. I'm not saying that I don't know the situation. But I just encourage you to know that God approves of you. God approves of you, and I know you know this, that God approves of you
Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 1:06


Hello. JL well, I'm glad that you got out of their abusive relationship. Nobody deserves to be abused by anybody. Whether it's a romantic relationship, a familial relationship, or if it's a church relationship, nobody deserves to be abused by anyone. And so I'm glad that you got out of their abusive relationship. And yeah, you know, I mean, I think it's natural for people to want to seek other people's approval. I think that's natural
preethy uthup
@peeli · 2:26
This is a reinforcement for me to think through your swell that my relationship with God is the most important. It's just like a reminder. And as you said, when I lost my dad, I thought my whole world crumbled, but God took me in his arms and told me I'm he's safe with me, but I can take care of you more. And that's the real essence in which I live my life. And he's my everything. And I loved your swell