Amanda Ewers
@AmandaE · 4:59

Motherhood Experience

And so there was a part of me that did not want to be a mother, because what tools did I have? Would I just repeat everything that I had learned? And a lot of people, unfortunately, don't get the option of whether they have children. Some people can't. Some people are forced to. And a lot gets wrapped up in that, your motherhood experience

#letstalk #motherhood #celebrateher #legacybuilding

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 1:26
Yeah. This reminds me of a conversation I had with my cousin and godmother, who is a wonderful, wonderful mother, but we've talked so much about, like, when she became a mother. She's mother to three wonderful, amazing daughters, but she was like, I mean, I knew that when I had them that I had to resolve my own issues with, with my own mother and explore and explore what that was so that I didn't pass on my trauma, my