How did you become a Tarot Card Reader?

But I just know those two times I really felt this cosmic, just connection, this feeling kind of like the deja vu feeling, just knowing something is right. It's hard to really explain it. And then finally, the second card reader, I had to ask her her story on how she became a Tarot cardreader Oracle. And she really normalized becoming a reader. I think I was always very like, oh, you have to be

#tarot #cardreader #oracle #bestof2022

D. L Bester
@candlelittarot · 3:38

how I became a reader

Hello. I hope that you can't hear any background noise. It's just my pump and my AC going. But this is a really great question and I love when people ask me. People ask me me a lot. What really drew me to the cards is I'm not 100% sure. When I was little and my dad would take me to Barnes and Noble every week, I would purposefully go and touch the Tarot cards
London Reads
@Londonreads · 4:16
And my cars have revealed to me many things about a person and so forth what I need to look out for and et cetera. So my story is so long, it's longer than 5 minutes. So my time is almost up. But that basically what sums it up. That's the reason why I got into it
Chelsea Hanawalt
@allowthesun · 2:56
Hi. Thank you so much for responding. I did the same thing when I would go to Barnes and Nobles. Like that was the first place I would go to is the, you know, spirituality section where they had the cards and all the the different books on anything mystical. That was where you would find me in Barnes and Noble. And I'm so glad that you have gone back and bought decks and studied it. Studied the Tarot and Oracle
Chelsea Hanawalt
@allowthesun · 1:42

Hi. Thanks so much for responding and sharing your story. I love what you shared about like throwing the deck away and then finding it again. I just love hearing those stories. And I think were you talking about Doreen virtue? I have her goddess deck and the butterfly deck. And I remember hearing that she stopped making decks and I was almost going to give away my butterfly deck. And I'm glad I didn't because I want to keep that
D. L Bester
@candlelittarot · 4:03


So writing down one word from as far as, like, if you can define a card and what it means, that is how I did it, because it was just easier for me. But I actually fell victim to buying decks just because they're beautiful instead of connecting with them. So I've ended up returning several decks just because I haven't had a connection with them versus what I do now. I'm very picky with them
Mariã Mindful
@bluu · 4:02

Srry the audio is quite low... My mic has been having issues even in my phone calls so I've been told.

So at first, for me, it was just something fun to distract myself and to gain my power back. In 2015, when I had my force and over time, I began to research magic and calls and working with ancestors and things like that. And then I want to say, maybe a year after I started reading for myself and my friends, I, pleasantly surprisingly, discovered that my grandmother used to read cards. This is something that I was unaware of
Chelsea Hanawalt
@allowthesun · 1:28
Now I'm going to have to ask if she used to read cards, but people always tell me that I remind them of her and yeah, I'm curious, do you have a favorite deck? Do you also read oracle cards? And that's so cool that you read for your friends as well. Yeah, I love doing readings for my friends, so, yeah. Thanks again for sharing
A Ramirez
@Adri.Ramz · 2:59

I was drawn to the Mexican bajara style tarot.

I have a lot of books on how to read and different formats and stuff like that. I really enjoy learning different aspects of the cards and how to read in different formats, but I just have like, this one format that just intuitively read, so that's mainly it
Chelsea Hanawalt
@allowthesun · 1:58
That's definitely a theme and I'm really glad that you were able to pick them back up and be able to intuitively read for your friends like you did when you were young and yeah, that's really beautiful. And also sorry that you had to hide it or to feel whatever the feelings that you had about it. Yeah, I'm really grateful for you sharing. I didn't really start reading cards until I was in my twenty s. I don't think I really knew about them young
And me, I'm a researcher, and I had to go back and see what Tarot cards came from as far as Egypt and just far, far back, just really get into the history of it. So my daughter, she said, mom, you have Tarot cards? I like it. She said, I have some cleo. You guys remember Clio? I have some cards. I'm gifted these cards she gifted me
Michael Slade
@Freshslade · 3:44
I actually got an app on my phone, and I'd ask it questions and they'd shuffled automatically. And I'm like, this is so stupid. Like, this is online. This isn't even a real person. But I'd ask it a question, look up the definition of the card, and when I tell you, it was just so on point. It was scary
Chelsea Hanawalt
@allowthesun · 2:07


Yes. Thank you so much for sharing your story. Yeah, right. It's that there's a theme of, like, you know, running from the calling. Right. You know, like, having little hints or I think it's amazing, too, when people like you shared about knowing the lineage of your family, of other family members who may be tapped in as well. I just love that, and it will just keep knocking on the door, right
Chelsea Hanawalt
@allowthesun · 2:57


And I'm so glad that you went with the calling that you had or that it kept following you. Right there's, that theme everyone's sharing that. Like, it just keeps coming and so finally you're like, I get it. Okay, let me check it out. So, yeah, I'm so glad that you've did and yeah, I hope we can chat more about the Tarot and other things. So thanks again for responding. Bye
Psy Speaks
@Psy_Speaks · 3:26
Because I own a lot of decks. I love tarot decks. I think it's like books for me, so there's always just something new to discover with every different author and artist that creates them. But yeah, so I got another deck and realized that I was reading just fine with that particular deck, that it wasn't that I was a bad reader because I really was, like, doubting myself
Chelsea Hanawalt
@allowthesun · 1:44
I've never used that deck. But I do have another one of Kim Cran's deck, oracle deck, the Archetypes, which I really am enjoying. They're like a circle deck, which is really cool. But thank you. I am excited to hear more of your swells, and maybe other folks on this thread will respond. I know I started this well a while ago, but it's so nice to meet all the fellow readers here on Swell
Psy Speaks
@Psy_Speaks · 1:13


OG Blueprint definitely makes applying it to any other deck like, the knowledge is just there. And so you're able to not only have that traditional understanding, but then whatever the author of that particular deck is trying to weave into theirs, the symbolism now can stand out a bit more on its own. But, yeah, I'm going to go through some more of the replies here and just see what other readers are on here
And I'm curious if you suggest those or if you're just like, look, you should just keep going on your journey with the decks that you have now and learn as you go, which is mostly the answer I get. But I'm just curious if any of you also suggest a beginner like me using a beginner card deck and maybe using that kind of as a study guide or tool in my journey. So I look forward to this
Chelsea Hanawalt
@allowthesun · 4:01
And there's sometimes I really dive into a certain deck. Oh, I have another one. Inner child tarot. I forgot about that one. Yeah. So I really just feel into what kind of energy I'm looking for and inspiration I'm looking for. And then I just play, and I play with different spreads. I mainly create my own. And then, yeah, I slowly was giving readings to friends and then more of an exchange, an offering, and I love it
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Decoding the Tarot by Sheila Ellis

Wow, how cool that would be to kind of wing it and kind of have unique spreads for every day or whenever you're doing that. That really interests me. So I'm just curious on how you kind of work that and developing your own spreads. That's very cool. I had one of my Tarot decks called the Forager's Daughter, if you've heard of that one. It's a really beautiful deck, man. There are some awesome decks out there
Chelsea Hanawalt
@allowthesun · 2:06

Like, if the deck has a theme, yeah, that's just the way that I do it. And, yeah, I kind of just test it out. And it's been a while since I have created one, so thanks for asking about this. You're inspiring me to continue to do it. One thing I'm working on is trying to be more consistent with my practice and posting