Marc A.
@AllenMarquis · 0:29

What Will Be Considered "Normal" For You As We Transition Out Of The Pandemic?

It looks like we are beginning to loosen up and open up as we are beginning to transition back to what was at one point called normal. My question for you as we transition is, first, what are your thoughts on transitioning? And then second, what are you going to consider normal as we move forward

#Covid19 #Transition #Reopening

Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 2:04

Mixed bag of emotions and behaviors

Oh, Alan, that's a good question. And as a global citizen steeped in the reality of the rest of the world outside of my backyard, my heart is heavy, and I feel like we're living at a time when there's variance in the world world where people are still dying at alarming rates. And until that is Ameliated from the landscape, I don't feel like there's anything normal about this. I feel like the pandemic could knock on our door tomorrow with a new variant
phil spade
@Phil · 1:01
Normal for me will be sporting events being attended again, restaurants being not so distantly spaced and gyms open again. And those are three things that I like to do that I haven't really been able to do. And to be honest with you, I always like to go in to a steam room or do yoga in a class. I don't know if I'm ready to go back there just yet
Taylor J
@Taylor · 0:54
You know, this is a good question. And I think I had a pretty healthy dose of what it feels like to sort of go back to normal if there is a normal. I went to a movie last weekend and it it was a very bizarre feeling being back in the theater. And in a few weeks, I'm going to see a baseball game in a Stadium with fans. And I think that that's contributing to the way that I'm feeling
Shahnaz Ahmed
@bookishpodcast · 4:14

My rambles

Okay. First off, normal. If there was such a word, if we could have normal again, I don't think we can. As you know, the experts have been talking, talking about we cannot reach her immunity because people do not want to have their vaccines. So I do not want to make this conversation about vaccines, but if we don't reach her immunity, then we cannot go back to normal
Tim Ereneta
@Tim · 1:13

when do we go back to the office? to live theatre?

I think they budget it that if we sold, all the seats will break even or make little money. And I've never known any show to sell out 100% of its seats. It's a precarious financial model in the Archbishop
Shahnaz Ahmed
@bookishpodcast · 2:08

@Tim miss live theatre so much. Miss being on stage.

And I think the theater that I was on the board for was I just kind of stepped down, but I think they're going to do they're going to start their shows in a few months. I don't know exactly when and I'm really looking forward to being a part of it. And I know you're talking about just going to see live theater. And yeah, absolutely
Roomi Tarik
@roomi · 3:38
We always find a way to live, no matter how bad the situation is. You look at the examples of the cold wars and all the the pandemic or other epidemics that people have had to go through and how they survived and how they lived afterwards. So if you take all of those things into other equation, every single thing afterwards, what, what, what, what, what will be considered normal for situations and how to tackle those things is normal. I think so