@alishajean · 5:00
Is it getting me closer to a drink or further away from a drink? Am I doing the next right thing? Am I trusting the process? Am I trusting God? It's a lot of fucking pressure, and I could have thrown it all away last night, and I almost wanted to a couple of times. I have a girlfriend that was in rehab with me and I actually have a lot of girlfriends that. A few girlfriends who I'm very close with
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 2:19


Like you said, you have a support group of people you work with, and it's just hard to stay sober in the service industry. I don't know what kind of cafe or what kind of place you work at, but it's hard to stay sober in that kind of work because it's just, what are we doing after work? Let's go have a drink. Yeah. I wish the best for you. And then just congratulations on six months