Alejandro D.
@aleneme · 0:39

First post.

Trying out this app for the first time. My name is Alejandro. You can call me Alex. I'm from Argentina, and I'm just giving a try to this new voice based app to see how it works and to say if there is something new in the world of social networks. The market seems to be a bit over crowded with Facebook, Twitter, Tik Tok Instagram, and I just wanted to try out new things

#swell #firstTime #tryingOut #introductions

Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 0:39

Audio tour ? 🍿

Hey, Alex, from Argentina. Thanks for saying Hello on this Saturday. Excuse me. That was some Apple Apple in my throat. Yeah. This is such a great space to have that social experience just with using your voice. And I hope you enjoy sort of the intimacy and also the creativity here. What part of Argentina are you from? And I see that you're in front of this beautiful body of water. And I know nothing about the terrain of Argentina. Never been there
Nic Ray
@Nic572 · 0:33
Hey, man. Welcome to Swell. You'll find that this community is really accepting and really thinks about, you know, different views. I think you'll fit right? It in, man. My name is Nick. I've been here for I think just about two weeks or maybe even less than that. So I'm pretty new to, but I found that it's pretty welcoming, so, Yeah
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Alejandro D.
@aleneme · 4:15


I began to use Tik Tok not to dance or anything, but just to watch videos, and although they are okay, the truth is that social media in general is something that I'm speaking about about myself, course, but it makes me waste a lot of potential time that I could use for more productive things working or sagging or, you know, just doing something different
Alejandro D.
@aleneme · 0:23


Thank you, bro. As you said, this community seems to be welcoming and accepting something that is a bit of a change from the usual places like, you know, Facebook groups or other toxic environments. So I'm really looking forward to meeting you all