Will "Reservation" be the doom of India? A doctor who got 30-40% in academics starts treating people. Is it right?

Hello everyone. Today I woke up with this very bad news. The above image is of Manipur and its burning army deployed internet shutdown and curfew imposed. Let me tell you what's going on in Manipur. Manipur government have given the order to shoot at site after suspending internet service this and imposing curfew for five days in several districts including state capital MFAR to control the order situation. All tribal students of Manipur is demanding the Metai community to be including in the list of the state scheduled tribe union

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Charvi Dhiran
@charvi24 · 2:20
But I think that reservation should be more about hiring talent than about hiring people with the good marks, right? Often marks does decide how a person is going to do in their profession. But sometimes when the person does not have a stronger base background than another person, he might not be able to perform the same
news .
@news._.swell · 1:38


And even when the reservations were introduced, they were introduced on the basis that after every few years, if the reservations continue to show no result, the reservations will continue. Right? But as you can see today, that reservations have definitely impacted the whole world, the whole society, a lot, right? So I think that continuation of these reservation bases are just quite pointless, right? Apart from that, if the reservations were on the base of economic status, then they could be a bit justifiable
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Swati Sharma
@Swatiselflove · 2:04
But now that these political parties find it so very difficult to withdraw it from the system because these tribal communities, these lower class categories people have become a kind of a vote bank for them. This is the easiest way that they can provoke these people and they can fetch more votes from them. So there is now no way out, no party has got the audacity. They don't have that intention either to remove reservation system from our constitution anymore
Prabha Iyer
@PSPV · 4:51

@Abhishek1156 excellent and most essential topic

The talent, the creativity, the innovation very very rare in place like India that the talent is recognized. Very rare everywhere. You have to pay money or you have to do some sort of service to come up directly. A talented person from the underprivileged ground or no locator cannot come out all of a sudden. He has to satisfy many needs, many people's demands. Brutal system is the education that has become off late. Anybody can pass
Inika Choudhary
@inikachoudhary · 3:55
Fellow abhishek. First of all, it is really disheartening to see such things happen in our state. Such communal violence and such destruction of public and private property happen in a country as diverse and as acceptable of its diversity as India. Secondly, on your question of reservation while I have gotten into several debates about this topic with my friends and I would like to mention here that although reservation is to some extent a political agenda nowadays every party brings out reservations in hope of garnering more vote banks for itself
pramod j
@pramodj321 · 1:14
And the backward categories don't have any right to read or listen to this form of education. So just think from that point of view and the reservation just introduced like less than 50 years or maybe more than but it's almost even five to 10% of what all the backward categories faced in the past
pramod j
@pramodj321 · 2:06
But you should do study on the ground level what is the exact situations and every system has some lack in us but instead of seeing those lacking gray points, why don't you see the better half of these situations? I think one should really visit the ground, see the people, visit their places, know their problems, understand then and then only raise this kind of issue
Sharayu shinde
@Shaawesome07 · 1:24
But the sad reality is this mindset of caste system not only in rural areas but also urban area is prevalent. Like it is still in every citizen's mindset. So I think so the greater question should be how we can find other ways to abolish this caste system mindset rather than just removing the already tool like reservation which can be still helpful for many other backward classes people. I really would like to hear your opinion on this. Thank you for listening