aayushi lamba
@aayuuuuuuuuuĀ Ā·Ā 0:30

#SubtleArt | Learning to say No...

Hi, this is Ayushi. It is a very interesting book and it emphasizes the importance of saying no to set healthy boundaries and prioritizing what truly matters in your life. I believe that we should have clarity of our priorities by saying no to things that don't align with our values or goals. So you gain clarity on what truly matters to you and can focus on your time and energy accordingly

#SwellBookClub #sbcsangf4 @book_gobbler The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck

Siddhi Palande
@Book_gobblerĀ Ā·Ā 0:44
Hi Aayushi, thank you for stopping by and dropping your views about the book. I love the fact that you picked up this aspect of the book. It is so strong, so convincing, and so very, very important in our personality development. Learning to say no is something that is universal and we all need to inculcate that in our day to day life. So we need to buy forget what will work for us and what will not work for us