Aayan B
@aayanisms · 3:16

The waiting train

Designers don't design clothes my type. Why would they? It doesn't create any hype. The family sarcasm party at night it keeps hurting till daylight I'm the subject of many puns don't be silly, it's just for fun. The workday is over and I pack up, lock my emotions and shut up. Walk back alone with a simple drape and each day braving a mental rape. But I will go back to work tomorrow

#poetry #poetrymonth #atozpoetschallenge #swellsunday

Nidhin George 🔷
@geo_rhymes · 0:31


That was such an amazing poem there, my dear sir. You had me grappling every word and the flow of the poetry just took me along with it. But I think the lines that resonated the most with me was as I look into this mirror, just big enough to display my body error. I think it went along those lines. I don't remember the exact words, but that was something else. That was sublime
Rohit "ROSH" Sharma
@Foodographer · 1:56
You well, I can relate to this because I'm a 6ft tall guy and I wear almost triple X Excel. And it's not that my size is very big or something, but I'm a big guy and I too don't get the clothes, the normal clothes which the regular people wear. And when I'm talking about the regular people, I cannot decrease my bone structure
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Ariana .
@ariana. · 4:36

It matters!!! @geo_rhymes

Similarly, I think when you spoke about you being tall and you being on the larger size of men, my husband is 64 and he is very muscular. He's very tall, broad, and he's a master black belt. And he is thorough and regular with his exercises. So he builds his body. But we go through the same thing for his basic needs. As well. We would never find his shoe size. We would never find his liking of the clothing
Nidhin George 🔷
@geo_rhymes · 4:03

@ariana_simran 💯

And I know it's kind of sad, but in your early 20s, when a lot of my friends were, you know, just out there dating and, you know, exploring the whole relationship thing and all that, I was just too afraid to date. Because I think somewhere in the back of my mind, I had this idea that I was not attractive. So why put myself out there to be rejected?
Swati Sharma
@Swatiselflove · 3:02
So I think it's very important that each one of us learn to respect the other person with all his uniqueness individuality. And it's not really our right, it's none of our prerogative to comment on anyone's body because body is something that we treat ourselves as a kind of a temple. It becomes a kind of temple for us. It becomes a kind of a worshipping thing for us. We worship our body every day when we look at ourselves in the mirror
Aayan B
@aayanisms · 0:48


Well, thank you so much for taking the time to listen and appreciate, as you said, rightly? More people need to listen. So if you know anybody who needs to listen to this, please do feel free to share. And I want even those people who are ignorant about it to listen to this
Aayan B
@aayanisms · 1:12


And so those lines came by from observing many people wanting to express but somehow stop themselves or even if they want to express, they don't find people to be there at the receive who receive such emotions or commentary. But thanks again for listening, appreciate it
Sreeja V
@Wordsmith · 2:52
I still remember random strangers walking up to me and telling me what I should do to help me clear out the acne and stuff like that. Totally unsolicited advice. And I think in India especially, people think that they have every right to just barge in and comment and tell you what you should do, how you should live your life, right? So this is terrible and it's a fact. And we live that day in, day out, but somewhere it also helps us become very resilient
Arish Ali
@arish · 0:26
Hi. That is a great poem. And poetry is such an amazing way to shed a light on these kind of social issues. And this is such an important issue, I think. So thank you for sharing it. And thanks for this amazing piece of poetry. It's very, very timely. In terms of when you posted it for Poetry Month, I'm sorry I did not add Miss original post and I just saw it, but this was great. Thank you
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 1:26


I wanted to just remark on the iterations of this as it came through to other people's sensibilities. This is the beauty of collective dialogue, I guess. I guess you don't need both words, but there's something about the confluence of words from other people reflecting on your words in this moment that I find very, very moving. Yeah. Thank you for this. I just wanted to reflect on the experience I had of the whole listening thread. It's amazing
Ramya V
@Ramya · 2:07
A lot of memories came flooding back, actually. The teacher who ticked me off for dupata not properly pinned to the uniform. The guy on the bus whose stairs made me so uncomfortable that I had to get down at a bus stop which wasn't even my intended destination. Or the relative at a wedding who guilted me into not touching a drop of my favorite kheer just because he warned me that I had put on too much
Aayan B
@aayanisms · 1:54


But I see this quite often in many places, in many sections of the society and I'm so sorry to hear about your experience as a child and what you had to go through. I hope things are better now and that's something I would love to hear from you. If you sense that we are slightly better off now as a society than what we were, say 20 years ago or have we regressed or have we stagnated not improved?
Aayan B
@aayanisms · 4:17

@Ramya - how do we center?

I think as a society, and this might sound a little what's the right word? Well, let me just say this. We have seen a thin line between a terms of endearment or affection and then something which infringes on someone's right to be the way they are in an Indian society. As you would see that the sensitivity quotations have traditionally been not very high
Sreeja V
@Wordsmith · 2:56


And it is not just from a woman's perspective. I think any marginalized person would feel that way, regardless of gender. There is community bias that comes in, right? There is a preferential bias if you're like LGBTQ, if you're from that community. There is a certain way people look at you. So I think ultimately till as human beings we learn to accept and embrace these differences and look at each other with compassion, I think that is the only time things will change
Binati Sheth
@Binati_Sheth · 1:10


And I am so epically jealous of this eye. And I so look forward to the day that I cultivate something of this sort for my own very surface level observational self. Yes, thank you so much for sharing the waiting train. And, yeah, looking forward to hearing more of these
shafali anand
@shafali · 4:56
Hello, Ian. I want to congratulate you on this beautiful piece of poetry that you have written. In fact, it's so beautiful that I was here twice. I was here yesterday and I listened to it, but I did not have the time to post a comment. So today I have returned because I wanted to say something. In fact, what I want to say is actually it doesn't really measure up to the quality of your words, but I would like to say it