aamna singh
@Aamna · 4:11

Its okay ,not to be okay👆

Hi, my swell family. How are you guys doing? I'm so glad I'm making this podcast. And It's okay not to be okay. That's the title. So yeah, we all go through loads of ups and downs in life, right? And I think the biggest mistake we all make is that we do not try and embrace those emotions, especially when they root from the negative, you know, side

Stop denying and embrace it #swellaudio #mentalwellness #wellness #mindful #emotions

Rohan RR
@SpecialMission · 1:14
If you do that, practice it for a year or maybe six months. Depends on your skill, and you can get back to your element. Don't focus more or spend time on negative emotions. Embrace your positive ones. The negative will I think it'll lose and fall apart. Or in other words, it doesn't manifest at all. So, yeah, that's my take on emotions
Surya V
@welcome28 · 1:39
Just car will run and it will stop at some time. So is life just we have to keep on cleaning. Like we clean our home. We just keep on introspecting and we just keep on cleaning our minds. It's a regular process, once for all, eliminating all negativity. I don't think that happens because both Negativity and Positivity will coexist. And also it depends on person to person. What may be negative for me may be positive for you
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

aamna singh
@Aamna · 1:05


Hi. Thank you for sharing and I thoroughly enjoyed listening to you. So the header, It's okay not to be okay, emphasizes selfacceptance during the times that are not positive, while being okay focuses on the positive state of wellbeing. So fairly the same thing. But the copic mechanism is very different if you deny it constantly
aamna singh
@Aamna · 1:30


And when you start realizing that change is constant positivity or negativity the good times or the bad times are here, but not for a long time or for whatever period. It is a continuous journey that takes you on the path of self discovery, growth. And you realize that how you can celebrate progress, whether it's little, by being very real about it having real expectations, isn't it?
Surabhi Verma
@Surabhiverma29 · 3:26
And finally, I am so thankful to God, to the divine, that I found writing to be my best friend, a comforter when I am alone, my strength when I don't have anybody to support. And also, I think writing became my biggest cheerleader. My own words became my biggest cheerleader, actually. So, yeah, thank you for sharing this and just reminding you that I sent you my number. I sent you a Swell on your account. Swell account
aamna singh
@Aamna · 2:46

@Surabhiverma29 sharing a pic of coco for my fellow swellcasters #swellsudio #swellteam #emotions #mentalwellness #meetandgreet

Good morning, Sulbi. It was so lovely listening to you. And you said, rightly, that, you know, when you understand how you need to channelize the energy, I think that creative endeavor basically helps you externalize and examine your inner experience, right? So, yeah, it gives you a deeper perspective for what you're feeling. And you said that correctly
Challa Sri Gouri
@challasrigouri · 2:58
Hi Amna. You're absolutely right. So most of the time it's like we feel being not okay is not okay. And sometimes, even though we feel like we need to share this with someone or it's very important for us to get rid of that, still we have lots of doubts in our minds. The questions that pop up in our mind are what people will think if I express this, what they'll think about me, what they'll judge about me
aamna singh
@Aamna · 1:09


Hey, Gauri. It is so lovely to hear from you. And I think what you've mentioned in your swell answer is so wonderful that you're enough just as you are. So you have to drop that pretension. You have to drop that oh, XYZ will judge me for whatever reason. That is something that binds us. I think that is where we need to remind our else that no validation needed whatsoever. We are unique beings and we are all very different. Our journeys are very different
