aamna singh
@Aamna · 4:36

Let’s address loneliness! -Share your thoughts!

Let me know how do you address loneliness or when you feel alone? And how do you handle, basically the emotional implications of both the sides. Thanks

Its essential to understand and distinguish both as they both have different implications.What do uou think ?? #swell #mindful #mentalwellness

Surya V
@welcome28 · 0:29


Hello, my friend. Thank you for the invite on this very same topic. A few weeks back, I think I have recorded a podcast. I am giving you the link here. So thank you for sharing this insight. And yes, you are absolutely correct. Aloneness is different from loneliness. It's 100% true. A person who is lonely is more of mind, and a person who is alone is more of heart. Thank you
Myra D
@Myra7 · 5:00
Just reach out to your favorite person, whoever that might be, your mom, dad, or whoever it is, and accept it that you are feeling lonely. Acceptance is the key. So that will be the best remedy to understand what you're feeling, why you're feeling lonely. And when there is a group of people who wants to isolate you, they will do anything in their power to make sure that you do not be a part of them
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

aamna singh
@Aamna · 1:55


And like I mentioned, and you must have also shared in the previous podcast that you said you've already held that there are so many ways one can engage to get away and distract oneself from the feelings of loneliness. Not being alone, that is a different story altogether. So yeah, I think thank you again for sharing and for reaching out, keep swelling, staying connected. And that is what online communities do, right?
aamna singh
@Aamna · 1:59


You have to channelize your energy in a positive way so that you can derive the best out of it. And also, I think the most important thing, Mara, is that we need to remember that during such times when somebody is feeling like that around us, it's very important to offer that person your time. Offer that person your positivity offer that person a sense of belonging so that it seems a little easier, if not super easy, but makes it a little easier for that person
Surya V
@welcome28 · 0:33


Hello. Yes, that's a coincidence. It's really I was wondering actually, because yesterday the title was also something similar. So I thought, oh, what a great coincidence. Some things happen coincidentally. They don't have any logics. Yes, as you said, they don't have anything. Like we have to arrive at a logical conclusion. They just inside, that's all. Why they coincide, we don't know
Nidhin George 🔷
@geo_rhymes · 4:35

@aamy you always challenge the listeners with your topics 🔥

And I think it just goes on to show that you may be alone but that doesn't have to turn into loneliness. It could be a time that you use for yourself by being in solitude. You know, the other day I just finished up reading The Eight Rules of Love by Jay Shetty. And in that he talks about the different dimensions of love
aamna singh
@Aamna · 1:49


So yeah, the withdrawal symptom that kind of comes into play and that is where you don't feel that you're worthy of love or friendship. And as you mentioned clearly that it's a sign of rejection, so to speak. So yeah, somebody who's dealing with these issues or struggling with it needs certain kind of help or needs that kind of understanding to develop coping mechanisms
Nidhin George 🔷
@geo_rhymes · 1:21


And that is so true as a great point, actually, because more often than not, when we are feeling lonely or desperate, like when we are in a situation of feeling inadequate or insufficient, that is when we end up making choices out of desperation, which oftentimes always ends up in a negative construct. So, yeah, thanks for bringing that up. It was lovely. And yes, I'm glad we resonate at a similar frequency on this particular topic
